Tuesday 21 March 2017

1 maze walker - plodding along in 3d

Dear Readers,

One of the big draws for me to buying SEGA 3D Classics Collection was the inclusion of this Master System game, which originally had an option to be played while wearing 3D glasses. I was tickled by the fact that they went to the trouble to adapt this for 3DS!

It's a decent effect too. It's a top down, directly overhead maze game and you warp between floors of different heights. It's a similar idea to The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. The 3D effect shows the different heights and the walls nicely enough. Plus, it's a very slow moving game, which helps to make the 3D effect palatable.

The gameplay is very slow moving and plodding. It doesn't look as fast as Zelda 1, or as character heavy as Gauntlet, but it isn't easy! At least, it's very easy to die. The only weapon is an iron bar you hit things with, though there's the occasional temporary power up that lets you shoot stuff for a short while. Dealing with enemies can be nerve wracking.

I played a few sessions of this and got as far as the third area. I die way too easily in this game though. I'll have to put the helper mode on, which gives me 30 lives to start with. When starting at the beginning over and over again, I switch between the regular sound and the FM enhanced sound option. I'm not sure which I prefer... I like them both. It's nice to mix it up though and change to keep it fresh!

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