Sunday 5 March 2017

24 epic dumpster bear - 2-6 nothing icy about this castle

Dear Readers,

Level 2-6 is titled Icy Castle and is the castle stage for this world. Kinda weird how it's snow everywhere except for here, which has lava everywhere. Snow is still in the background though.

It's got the same music as the first castle stage too. I guess it's the standard.

First red salmon coin is straightforward. It's a bit high up so it might be a good idea to get a running jump off the first set of vertical moving platforms.

Second one is to the left of an owl before the checkpoint. Bounce on the owl to reach it.

Third one is between two fire bars and narrow platforms. I was able to wall jump to collect it but had to be very careful.

Fire bars hurt the wolves as well. Pretty satisfying :)

Wow! No bumpers in the way of the target! Not sure why but I won't complain! Got 100 points on first try :)

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