Sunday 26 March 2017

2 splatoon 2 - second global testfire slot and the charger's new feature

Dear Readers,

I jumped into the second slot of the global testfire, which took place between 3am and 4am GMT on Saturday. I used the charger weapon this time, using the gyro sensor to aim. Here's how I got on...

Before I started, I had already gotten a friend request from the first time slot. I will say one thing from my experience playing Splatoon — I've never gotten more friend requests from playing any other online Nintendo game from strangers. Now, granted I haven't played Smash Bros or Mario Kart in years, but still. Splatoon fans like to come together and duke it out in the game!

I noticed in the camera control options that the normal mode was labelled normal again instead of inverted. That's a good quick fix.

The charger now has a tiny adjustment for expert play: you can briefly store a charge and go into squid form before going back to normal and retaining the charge. It only holds for a moment so you have to be quick. This would be really handy for going around corners! I haven't mastered it yet but it's a neat addition.

The special stick click weapon this time is the Stingray weapon that's like a powerhose. It goes through walls and I got splatted once or twice during the last session. It holds you in place and is slow moving but is satisfying to use when you get someone.

Match 1:
Won 45.8 to 39.2

Started in the Fitness arena. Spent this time getting used to the charger. I like using the gyro controls with it.

Match 2:
Lost 39.3 to 47.2

It was always satisfying to play sniper, but now when you get someone, this big shiny lens twinkle emerges from your Inkling and it adds something to it!

Match 3:
Won 59.1 to 20.9

Changed to the Reef arena. We trashed them! I sniped and stingray blasted a good few of them too.

Match 4:
Won 55.1 to 25.4

Someone got me good with a suction bomb. There was also a roller hot on my tail, but I managed to turn the tables on them with a Stingray attack. Felt pretty satisfying :) we won too!

Match 5:
Won 48.8 to 43.0

Back to the Fitness arena. We won but I had an embarrassing splat while doing a Stingray attack. They got me with those missiles. Whoops!

Match 6:
Lost 25.4 to 61.9

Back to Reef arena again. We lost badly this time... We only had three players on our team and they were amazing too. They absolutely trashed us. Got lots of splatting revenge though at least.

Match 7:
Lost 31.6 to 55.3

Got trashed again from the same opponents. Had a full team too.

Match 8:
Won 43.5 to 38.6

We won at last! It was very close though and they only had three on their team. They were seriously good!

Match 9:
Won 55.8 to 35.6

Back to the Fitness arena. Among our very competent opponents, a charger, who had been hunting me pretty seriously up until now, I identified as my rival. I finally started to acknowledge and take them seriously. I avoided all of their attacks this time and got them good several times. Pretty satisfying to win!

Match 10:
Won 45.1 to 41.2

Back to the Reef arena. Continued to clash with my rival sniper. We had a newbie sniper who was getting used to controls as well. We won but it was a pretty close match!

Match 11:
Lost 43.8 to 45.4

My rival sniper was now on our team! Battling side by side! The other team only had three members but they were pretty darn good. They beat us but it was extremely close. It was a very heated match too. Like a bloodbath — or in this case, an inkbath.

Won 7, lost 4!

That was it. The last session ended eight minutes past the hour. Battery was down to 69% after a full charge.

There's a nice little amusing fidgety thing you can do during the lobby wait screen; twirl the sticks and it makes the music go all wobbly and distorted. Kind of like playing the Ocarina in the N64 Zeldas. Not a bad way to deal with the boredom of waiting! Doesn't exactly replace having mini-games though.

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