Tuesday 28 March 2017

3 altered beast - round 3, the bear jumps like sonic!

Dear Readers,

Now to round 3. It's another depth lower than the last round and has midsection platforms, stalactites and stalagmites.

Some weird and cool looking bug enemies but also some very nasty enemies that attack and crowd you and drop from the ceiling. Lots of kicking needed here.

The transformation is badly needed too! It's a big ol' bear! It's pretty cool. He's got a good punch and an awesome jump where he rolls into a ball and attacks enemies, just like Sonic! Even though this game is older than Sonic.

I had a look at the credits for SEGA 3D Classics Collection and it shows these skits. One of them is of Sonic teaching some moves to the bear. That kind of hypes up the game a little bit for me. Maybe games really do need to be hyped and advertised for anyone at all to be interested in them? I usually think the opposite. That begs the question "what's the difference between marketing a good game and a bad game?". I suppose a good game is easier to advertise.

I learned about high jumping by holding up and jump. Bit late I know, but I didn't need it until now.

I got several game overs on this stage even before I got the bear transformation. The boss is a shell with some dragon head sticking out of it. Lots of jumping with the bear takes care of it handily.

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