Monday 6 March 2017

1 super bomberman r - thank you konami for including a 1 player mode!

Dear Readers,

Here it is! My first Switch game! Bomberman's been gone a long time... he must've heard a rumour there was a new console generation beginning!

I tried a little bit of the story and a bit of the battle against CPU players. I am so glad there's a single-player mode again! It's my favourite way to play Bomberman! I grew up playing the Game Boy games which had good depth in the single-player modes, so I'm glad to see them coming back with regular stages and bosses.

Characters look and sound great. The cut scenes are pretty and the music is pretty awesome. I played the first 7 stages of the first world before getting a game over and some of the battle mode against the A.I., where I lost every time.

I'm not used to the controls yet. I feel very clumsy with them and suspect there's some input lag going on. It's something I'll have to cope with in order to get good at the game.

Another thing is the weird movement of the camera. There's a bit of zooming and following around, which can be distracting and weird. In the battle mode you can change it to fixed, but no option for the story mode unfortunately.

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