Friday 3 March 2017

22 epic dumpster bear - 2-Y tricky wall jumping

Dear Readers,

2-Y is called Super Snow Movers. I got here by finding the secret exit during regular Snow Movers aka level 2-5.

I had to go back to 2-5 in order to get 100 in the target score. Level was very tiring to trudge through and die in but I eventually made it to the end and got the full 100 points at last! Yay!

Now for 2-Y. No target here thankfully! Lots of tough wall jumping obstacles here though. First red salmon coin is ok to collect but the second one was pretty tricky! I ended up having to bounce off the wolf to reach it! It was no picnic having to deal with the two narrow platforms and spiked balls nearby either.

Third red salmon coin is in a well guarded and intimidating spot between two diagonal platforms on a narrow platform of its own, but it's doable enough. Taxing, but doable.

Lots more of this taxing and tricky platforming for the rest of the level. Died near the end a few times but eventually made it :)

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