Thursday 30 March 2017

2 terraria - starting a new online multiplayer world with mop it up

Dear Readers,

About time I started this game properly beyond the tutorial! Mop it up and I played together online.

I had to download an update for the game first though. It took four minutes to download and a minute to install. Not too long, thankfully.

Then we had to make characters and set up everything in menus.

I was a bit confused about the "Play Online" option. It had an X mark instead of a tick mark and I had to ask Mop it up if that meant to enable or disable it. It meant enable.

First off, we had to decide where to build our house. Mop it up is a pure dynamo and I was still learning the controls, so Mop it up had the house built before I knew it!

Night fell and we had to stay inside. It was kinda dangerous outside and a flying bloody eyeball started bouncing off the walls outside trying to get in. Demon eyes.

We decided to make armour out of wood. I learned that this game doesn't have hunger and the weapons don't wear out like in Minecraft, so that's something this game has going for it :)

The guide was in a cave nearby, but he was doing ok. We were wondering how to "guide" him out. :P

We tried some exploring. We learned that if you die you drop coins instead of every thing on your person like in default Minecraft. I think I like it better this way too. We made some chests to store stuff like this in.

Some monsters we had to deal with trying to break in like zombies and skeletons. At least we got the guide into the house though! Actually, he found his own way in.

It's kinda fun to hit bad guys from either side. It's like we were playing zombie tennis :)

Just like in Minecraft, the zombies can break down doors.

I used the Wii U Game Pad and its screen to play this game. I had the CRT TV to which I had the console connected switched on too and that showed a wider play area. I didn't like looking at the TV though, as the text is too small to read on it. However, it was handy to see this zoomed out version sometimes. Mop it up gave me a handy tip on zooming the camera in and out by using the ZL and ZR buttons after pausing.

Mop it up was very good to me, giving me lots of Heart Crystals for extra HP and eventually, an iron sword. I had been using a stick for a while. I liked the way my character was swinging the sword. It's like the lion from Wonder Boy III The Dragon's Trap in the way I was swinging it.

While learning how to sort inventory into chests and stuff, I accidentally removed the entire contents of one chest. Learning slowly but surely!

One night, I found a fallen star on our roof. Mop it up said to collect as many as possible as they're handy. I would find many more and stuff them in chests.

Mop it up then built an extra room and an upstairs for our house, hoping to get a merchant to move in.

We then discovered climbing ropes. Very handy for climbing back out of deep spelunking excursions.

Glow sticks too! For deep cave raves! Nice that they work underwater too.

On exploring some caves, I saw some scary red slimes trying to get at us. Mop it up found some sapphire.

I checked how many players could be on at the same time in this game. 8 players, which is pretty cool!

We had a disconnect at one stage, but no progress lost. No freezing either! Which is a very nice difference from Minecraft!

Exploring deeper, the music changes. The scenery became sparkly and starry as well and it just had a really cool atmosphere :) a bit like Vanilla Dome from Super Mario World.

We found some cool abandoned underground shelter. Love little discoveries like this.

Mop it up wanted to make some grappling hooks but crafted other cool stuff like a zappy magic wand thing from the sapphires. Seemed good for ranged combat.

Mop it up placed a bed in the house, which made a new spawn point. Yay :)

We then explored to the west on the surface. It became snowy and had its own cool music. There was "corruption" beyond that we couldn't get past yet. Not sure what that means but I will in time I suppose. For now I just know it as "That purple stuff at the edge of the snow field that spawns floating beasties."

Just when I wondered if a merchant was gonna ever move in, they did! Edmund The Merchant. Followed soon afterwards by Kaitlyn The Nurse.

Mop it up: Getting a bit crowded...
Rocket: Can we charge them rent?
Mop it up: I wish.

It started raining, so I plugged my headphones in to the Game Pad to listen to the lovely raindrops splashing. I love this :)

Some goldfish started walking around outside too. This cool weird thing happens when it rains! Handy way to catch some food!

Had a great start on this game after all and it was thanks to Mop it up! I would've been lost otherwise and have taken a lot longer to learn it!

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