Friday 31 March 2017

3 terraria - giant eyeball boss, online multiplayer with mop it up and jason

Dear Readers,

After a good start, Mop it up and I continued our adventures in NinTerraria world. At one stage, Jason came along to join in too. Here's how our play session went.

More people moved in, including a guy named Mario! Not THE Mario of course — this Mario's a painter.

Night fell again and Mop it up knew what was up.

Mop it up: Oh no...
Mop it up: Be ready to fight!
Rocket: How did that thing get in?
Mop it up: It's blood moon.
Mop it up: They can bust in.
Rocket: oh no :O
Rocket: didn't know that

So there's this thing called the blood moon where enemies are even more aggressive and the rush into your home and everything. It was pretty insane with all the enemies we had to face but we got through the night okay. It would not have been a good idea for me to take on solo! Not while still being a novice anyway!

I decided to build another floor on to our house. Lots of NPC people moving in now.

Rocket: I'll build another floor
Mop it up: Someone likes to build!
Mop it up: You can use that builder potion to make it go smoother.
Rocket: A potion for building? They thinks of everything.

I was still getting used to building and hadn't built that much yet. To build extra rooms suitable for people they have to be a certain size, they have to have a back wall and they have to have a table and chair and a light. I also learned that you can do a check in the menu to see if a space is suitable for someone to move in. Very handy thing.

Rocket: Rooms need a table and chair?
Mop it up: For a person, yes. And light.
Mop it up: Workbenches count as tables.
Mop it up: Go to the housing menu and press Y to see if the spot you're in is valid housing.
Rocket: Handy :)

Mop it up was giving tips while exploring caves and dealing with a big spider nest. I decided to check it out too and they were pretty tough and scary!

A demolitionist moved in. They sell bombs. An NPC woman named Bri was stuck in the spider nest and moved in after she was rescued.

Mop it up: Yay we saved her!
Rocket: Bri... How did she get here?!
Mop it up: The spiders had her webbed up 
Mop it up: Um... good luck getting back! 
Rocket: Yikes! 
Rocket: Almost got killed by one 
Rocket: got killed by one :( 

Like I said, tough and scary! I decided to hang back and build another floor. Had to make even more space now with all these people moving in! The woman's name was actually Biah.

Mop it up gave me a mirror that has the power to teleport me back to the house. It's kind of like the Zoom spell in Dragon Quest, except it has infinite uses. Very handy!

I spent some time building the extra floor instead of exploring. All while waiting for trees to grow for wood and keeping an eye out for falling stars to collect. I also made some equipment out of copper we had mined.

Soon afterwards, Jason joined. We all did the jumpy greeting thing.

After finishing up some chores at the house, I went off exploring caves again. I went into a dark cave and got attacked by something but I didn't know what.

Rocket: I think there's a poison dart trap here or something :/ 
Mop it up: Those are everywhere, be careful! 
Mop it up: You can break those with the pick too. 
Rocket: They're little square blocks? 
Mop it up: Yup. And a tiny pressure plate. 
Rocket: There, decommissioned it :) 
Rocket: It was protecting some silver ore

It was a bit tricky as it was so dark, but I managed to make it out alive!

Later, Mop it up kindly gave me a Hurtful Enchanted Boomerang and an Emerald Hook. Awesome equipment! Boomerangs are fun and the grappling hook is game changing! It's like having the Double Clawshots in Twilight Princess. Pretty cool I don't have to put wooden platforms everywhere! I'll still do it sometimes though out of handiness.

We got more new tenants, Hanno the Dye Trader and Dazzle the Party Girl.

Just when I was about to call it a night, a boss showed up! It was a gigantic version of those big bloody demon eyeballs that fly around at night. It could fly through walls too! It was absolutely terrifying and all three of us had to team up to take it on.

Good thing I had the boomerang and Mop it up and Jason around to help! It was a scary battle. We had to do a lot of tip and run manoeuvres in order to wear it down and eventually we defeated it.

Mop it up: Yay, we did it! 
Mop it up: Your first boss! 
Rocket: Wowee :O 
Rocket: It's that thing from the cover! 
Mop it up: Not quite, but close... 
Rocket: How could you tell it was incoming? 
Mop it up: The message at dusk said something about feeling watched by evil. 
Rocket: Ah I didn't see it 
Rocket: craziness :O 
Rocket: thanks for the help with it! 
Mop it up: No probs.

Must pay attention to this kind of thing future! Soon afterwards we wrapped it up for this eventful session. Lots of fun!

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