Monday 13 March 2017

7 zelda breath of the wild - stealing chili peppers from bokoblins

Dear Readers,

I continued up the mountain path until snowy heights were approaching. I happened on a tower like the one I couldn't climb last time because it was too tall for my stamina levels. However this one looked scaleable, so I climbed right up there! On top was a chest of arrows and there was a Bokoblin camp in view. I knew what the game wanted me to do!

Shooting arrows is fun enough. I like gyro sensor aiming. I liked it in the 3DS Zelda remakes and it's good here too. Of course, you have the option to turn them off.

In this game Link doesn't have the superhuman ability to fire arrows off into the forever like before. There's like a gravity arc when you shoot something into the air, so you have to aim a little above your target. Plenty of targets on the Bokoblin camp, which includes a treehouse and rope tied ramp, which you can cut down and use to invade.

I stayed up on the tower for as long as possible, while the Bokoblins scurried around and fell to my deadly snipey arrow attacks. There was just one of them left when I eventually had to climb back down to invade in person. It was a different colour to the other Bokoblins I had met up to this point. It was a dark greenish teal coloured one.

I quickly learned that this one was much stronger than the other ones! It knocked me out for a game over with just a couple of attacks! I was pretty surprised!

I eventually bested the creature and raided their camp of all it was worth. They had a little spicy pepper farm growing under their treehouse and I decided to pick a few for myself.

Next up was the cold weather. I learned that the cold weather harms you if you don't have proper clothing or cold resistance and at this point I didn't!

I decided to mix the chili peppers I pilfered with various ingredients I had acquired to that point and I got cold resistance providing dishes! Yay! Now I was able to proceed higher into the mountains without freezing to death!

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