Monday 30 August 2021

11 steamworld dig - fighting back with the steam punch

Dear Readers,

I continued to dig and dig and it was starting to feel like I didn't know what I was digging for. I just kept going down. I was also starting to see green pools of liquid. I was a bit shy of jumping into them though.

Eventually I got a mark on the map as I kept digging down. I followed it and came across a cave marked with "II". I used dynamite to get the bottle thrower and zombie out of the way and went in.

Lots of green pools that weren't good for me or for enemies were in here. I navigated until I ran out of light. I decided to upgrade my furnace to a Coal Lantern at last.

I explored the II cave bit by bit, finding blocks that got in the way. I found one that let the ladder drop and allowed me to drill upwards. I kept going and found another ability, a lovely one called the Steam Punch! I can now shoot these steam powered projectiles through my fists! This'll make fighting enemies much easier!

I headed back to town. Lola said Uncle Joe would sometimes spend weeks down in the mine. Now and again they started to think he was gonna stay down there for good, which was true in the end.

Dorothy said I'll be getting to the bottom of the Old World soon and then it'll be too hot for any Steambot to dig. Speaking of the Old World, I saw many things down there like expired tanks and cars and dwellings in the background. All kinds of weird stuff from an ancient civilization. Possibly human turned crazy.

Cranky said one invention enables another and he was fine with technology, but what I was finding below was something else altogether.

Biff said before the war he and his friends used to sneak down into the mine and play games of dare. Some would come back talking about glowing lights and scaring each other like they were telling ghost stories. He said I didn't seem scared of ghosts though.

With my Steam Punch I can be like the guy in the song Sixteen Tons. If the right one don't get you, then the left one will! I'm just glad I won't have to buy dynamite every time I have an awkward encounter with the bottle throwers.

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