Sunday 15 August 2021

30 liberation maiden - stage 4 hard: 11,630,490 points, gallery unlocked completely

Dear Readers,

Now to do stage 4 on hard a couple of times in stage attack to set scores and hopefully unlock the gallery fully.

The default score once again was 500,000.

This is a very long level to play because of the sheer amount of missiles being shot at you! Have to deal with them all. On my first attempt I scored 10,376,596 points. On my second attempt I lingered a bit more and took out more targets but still kept up the pace. I earned 11,630,490 points that time.

I accidentally went back into the level again and so I quit out of it straight away. It was then that I unlocked the final entry in the gallery! That's all it takes! Those 10 plays on normal or hard you just have to go in and quit out of them if you want to meet that goal quickly!

Still, it was fun to play for points for a little while.

Next time I'll explore the gallery more and have a look at entries I haven't read yet.

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