Wednesday 4 August 2021

19 liberation maiden - guardian spirit on hard is hard

Dear Readers,

I failed again and again against the Guardian Sprit. It's mainly that dang fast wave move that keeps messing me up.

I die against that wave move most of the time. Sometimes I die before I even reach the Guardian Spirit and I always have to go back to the beginning of the pursuit since it's the only credit I have left.

When I switch to the laser I lose concentration on the wave and then lose very quickly. The laser demands a lot more concentration than the missiles do.

I've also learned that some voice cues like when I say "Think you can win?" mean that I have enough ammo to begin aiming and shooting again.

The Guardian Spirit gets close sometimes, like right up to me and I don't know why. It's distracting.

I was surprised on one attempt where the waves didn't come out constantly. Maybe it was because I was going close or maybe it was because I was circling it. I'm not sure.

Then there are attempts where I think I have something sussed out and I fail on the pursuit part again!

Sometimes I can interrupt the Guardian putting its shield up if I can destroy one of the Spike targets on its body.

Still trying to come up with a good strategy to defeat this thing in hard mode.

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