Tuesday 31 August 2021

12 steamworld dig - exploring cave iii of the old world

Dear Readers,

I dug deeper, fought more enemies and found more materials. Tired, I returned to town but on the way I was hit with a green drip and lost all my health! I had so much money and I had to pay over a thousand dollars in repairs! Sickening!

I made sure to break any of those green blocks that dripped in case I forgot about them again. That was an awful thing to happen now...

I unlocked Improved Hydraulics, which saves water when drilling.

I dug further and found even more of those annoying bottle throwers in tight spaces, stupidly throwing their bottles at exploding barrels, Still hard to deal with so I went back to town to get a Hard Armour and some more dynamite.

I burrowed further, finding more idiots throwing bottles and dynamite. Eventually I found a beacon leading me to cave III at 399m.

I ran out of space to store minerals, and the journey felt really long back, so I bought all of Cranky's pouch upgrades.

I explored cave III and it was full of enemies! There was a lever to open a door and even more enemies came out of it! I had to use dynamite as well as my own fists to get through them all.

After those enemies were lots of bouncy mushrooms. I kept pressing on and eventually reached another new ability, the Fall Dampeners. I'm not sure what they are, but I guess they help with fall damage?

I badly needed the storage upgrade I bought. I headed back to town and bought a teleporter. I was really fed up of going back and forth and badly needed one now. I also unlocked the Swift Pickaxe.

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