Tuesday 17 August 2021

32 liberation maiden - enemy showcase in the gallery

Dear Readers,

Now to look at the enemies and targets in the gallery.

[12] Enemy 1: Tank mk I - This is like an ordinary tank and it was made to go on water as well as land. It has spider-like legs, or in this case it's more like a pond skater.

[13] Enemy 3: Battleship - For some reason they put enemy 3 before enemy 2 but whatever. These look like big mobile phones with big old buttons. Lots of missiles coming from these things.

[14] Enemy 2: Gun Battery - These are the things that come out of the ground when you go near them, honing their laser sights on you. I like destroying them before they have a chance to come out by using the beam sword bomb thing or destroying a Spike nearby.

[15] Enemy 4: Submarine - Very sneaky enemies that hide underwater before surfacing to fire missiles at  you when you're distracted fighting something else.

[16] Enemy 5: Walkers - These annoying enemies have these big spider legs that let them jump into the air and float for a while, which makes them hard to aim for. They keep respawning in stage 3 for some reason. They do look cool and spidery/octoroky though.

[17] Enemy 6: Turret Train - Trains that have been retrofitted with tons and tons of missiles. The trains themselves don't take long to deal with but the missiles take a lot longer to fend off! The retrofitting seems to take up half of the space that could've been used for transporting goods. War can be so wasteful.

[18] Enemy 7: Lesser Conduit Spike - Nicely detailed here along with their weak points. Good explanation of them too serving as shield generators for the Greater Spike supplied through Energy Veins. It's taxing to whittle them down but very satisfying to beat them and seeing the ripples of purifying nature spread out.

[19] Enemy 8: Greater Conduit Spike - A slide show of all the end of stage bosses along with their weak points in a redundancy system that helps to stop them from being destroyed too quickly. Kind of amusing to see them all together in one entry and how similar they are.

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