Wednesday 11 August 2021

26 liberation maiden - stage 4 normal: 10,910,636 points

Dear Readers,

I continued to stage 4 to set a couple of scores and work on the gallery unlock.

I had to beat the default top score of 500,000.

I like the way Shoko smiles on the lower screen when I achieve something and she smiles after I do a Sacrifice Drive. I also like to wipe the screen after doing that move, so it's like she smiles when I'm wiping her face.

For my first run I beat the sub mission with the weird slice of cake thing and got 5,898,854 points. A lot of eights in that number and for a moment I thought it might have been zeroes because of the font being a little strange, but no, the font shows zeroes without that little stroke in the middle.

On my second run I took out more targets and everything else from the first mission, but also tried to not linger too much. I earned 10,910,636 points! A very high number!

Also I unlocked the gallery "10 times normal" entry after doing the second run! Weird thing was, I played the stage attack on normal 8 times and the regular story mode just the one playthrough. Maybe it counts that as two? I'm not sure. Anyway, doing stage attack really helps for the 10 times thing!

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