Sunday 1 August 2021

16 liberation maiden - stage 4 on hard has too many missiles!

Dear Readers,

At this point I was pretty happy to even reach stage 4 since stage 3 gave me such a hard time.

During stage 4 my new sub mission for the hard mode was to take out 30 tanks. Thankfully, I was able to find the 30 I needed to destroy. I had to fly around in the snow for a while.

Then there were the trains and there were lots of them. Lots more than I needed to destroy, though I still have to destroy 50 to unlock that entry in the gallery. This time the trains had a crazy amount of missiles that just wouldn't stop coming. They were big and split into smaller ones too. It made the trains take a while to destroy.

I made it to the boss and this is where I failed. I was near enough to finishing it off but it kept coming at me with very fast attacks and large numbers of rocks and glass-like panel thingies.

I had to begin the stage again because I ran out of credits. I was very close though. At least now I can destroy more trains for that gallery goal.

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