Friday 6 August 2021

21 liberation maiden - finally cleared the story on hard mode! 100% approval!

Dear Readers,

I finally beat the Guardian Spirit on hard! I unlocked everything for stage attack now and got the 100% public approval too!

I don't know exactly what I had to do to achieve 100% public approval but I did get 100% in all the other stages before I took on the Guardian Spirit. This unlocks the ending movie in the gallery.

So how did I beat the Guardian Spirit at last? Well, I took a few days away from playing the game and that certainly helped. I kept note of every lesson I learned from my numerous failures and took my time with it. I kept my attack setting on missiles. Whenever it launched the wave attack I would fly away really far so I could avoid it easier. I would let my nodes build up and tried to keep them at a high level so I wouldn't get hurt. I defeated the smaller enemies to help build them up too. When my energy was at a high enough level I would charge in towards the Guardian Spirit just before the wave attack ended and tried to get an aim on the Spikes before firing at them and retreating to avoid more waves. I broke the centre Spike as soon as possible and didn't have to deal with the awkwardness of the shield at all. Other than that I engaged in a slow but sure process of keeping a safe distance before getting strong enough to go in for attacks. Little by little, I took down Spike by Spike until there was none left and it was defeated. It took a long time and a lot of tries but I finally beat it!

All I have left to do now is to unlock the three remaining entries in the gallery by doing the following:

-Clear a stage without taking damage
-Play normal mode 10 times
-Play hard mode 10 times

I'm not sure what it means by 10 times. Does it mean 10 full runs of the story mode or can it mean playing the stage attack 10 times? I guess I'll find out by playing.

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