Thursday 5 August 2021

20 liberation maiden - still struggling against the guardian spirit on hard

Dear Readers,

I'm still stuck on the Guardian Spirit. It feels like it's getting harder and I can't make sense of it.

The cutscenes and dialogue boxes I have to put up with again and again are getting very old. I can only skip the introductory narrative. I can't skip Shoko and Kira talking to each other.

Sometimes I'm dying in the pursuit stage again and it even feels like that part is getting more difficult. I can't figure out why though. It's weird.

I'm thinking, should I aim for the spike on the Guardian Sprit's chest? That's the one that does the shielding. Maybe if I take out the wings I can stop it from doing the waves? Between the waves and shield it's really hard to fight against this thing.

I'm developing a more evasive strategy that'll help me last more than half a minute against the boss. It'll be annoying to deal with the waves but they won't fly at me as sudden as they spread.

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