Monday 2 August 2021

17 liberation maiden - beating stage 4 on hard and unlocking the trains in the gallery

Dear Readers,

Now for another crack at stage 4 on hard. This time I beat it.

I didn't spend as much time taking out missiles, because I didn't go after the newly spawned trains that appear when the Greater Spike is unlocked. I just went straight for that boss.

This time I took out the boss handily. I just wanted to get it done and over with. I thought I could always go after the train gallery unlock later.

After beating stage 4 it was on to stage 5. I never beat this before without losing a life in any difficulty so I wasn't going to on my first try. No harm in scouting it out at least.

I died while I was chasing the Guarding Spirit so it was pretty quick!

I then found that I had the train entry in the gallery unlocked. Woo! Just four more entries to go!

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