Friday 27 August 2021

8 steamworld dig - obtaining dynamite

Dear Readers,

I started exploring the Old World. I found lots of new materials and a new enemy that ran back and forth like some kind of zombie. It also seemed to snore before I unearthed it.

I unlocked for the shop a Damaging Pickaxe, which helps with enemies and a Pressurizer, which reduces the water requirement for steam jumps by half. They seem handy.

I continued exploring the Old World and found a cave at 209m. It's about time I started marking these this way. I also found these barrels with red skulls painted on them that shake when I go near them. I stopped going near them in case they exploded.

The cave at 209m had this little puzzle inside where I had to burrow underneath the huge boulders and have them make a path above to some glowing orbs. It was a fun puzzle.

I found another cave at 228m. This one was loaded with those exploding barrels and dangerous jumps! I came across a new enemy that threw stuff at me too. I drilled it to defeat and came across another ability. I was now able to use dynamite! I explored a bit more, obtaining materials and orbs and blasted my way back out of the cave.

I backtracked to town. Dorothy said she believed Uncle Joe left this stuff for me to find like a trail of breadcrumbs to follow, getting me ready for something, but for what? With the new minerals I found, I levelled up, which brought Biff into the town with his building. Cranky now sold dynamite too.

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