Saturday 28 August 2021

9 steamworld dig - biff moves in, discovering bouncy mushrooms

Dear Readers,

Biff arrived in town with his new shop, Discount Custom. I had a chat with him and learned he was here before the hard times. His second name was Beacon and he said I brought a kind of renaissance with me to this town. He was here now because the dollars were here.

To start with he had a Tungsten Pickaxe, a DrillMaster upgrade for the drill and an unlockable Oil Lantern, which he told me was the future.

I still didn't feel a huge need to upgrade, so I continued digging.

I just noticed the cave I found the dynamite in was marked "I". There we go!

I drilled further down more and more and found more pockets of areas filled with enemies holding dynamite and other stuff they wanted to throw at me. The townspeople called them Shiners.

I also found some fun bouncy mushrooms that I could use to gain height whenever I wanted to leave. They're fun!

Those spectacled dudes that throw bottles aren't fun though and all the dynamite the others throw make me nervous.

I dug all the way down, defeating various baddies and found a teleporter at 272m. There was a cave here too just to the left. I blew the way open to it with some dynamite. I'll explore it next time.

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