Sunday 8 August 2021

23 liberation maiden - stage 1 normal: 1,522,460 points

Dear Readers,

Now to take on the "over 10 times play" tasks to unlock the gallery fully. I'm not sure how to do this exactly but I'll play the stage attack on normal and hard over 10 times each. To make things more interesting I'll aim to beat the default top scores set in each mode's individual high score tables. They're not really specific since they have the same scores, but it's something to aim for.

Let's start with beating the top score of 500,000 points in stage 1 of normal mode.

On my first attempt I cleared it with 942,210 points.

Since there are just 5 levels and I have to play over 10 times, I decided to play this stage again. I'm going to make my first attempts at each stage more fun and the second attempts more serious to beat the first attempts' records if they come out on top of their respective tables.

On my second attempt I failed the sub mission which was amusing but I scored 1,522,460 points, beating the first score. I passed my first score easily so I decided to be less serious and just clear the stage. I know I can get a better score but I'll just move on to the next stage for now.

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