Saturday 2 October 2021

13 steamworld dig 2 - yarrow, where weird glowing plants grow deep underground

Dear Readers,

I told the mayor I found a strange passage below above the wall that was overgrown with weird plants. He said most things were strange down there since Shiners were there. His mother said his brothers told stories of finding stuff like that alright.

This area was named Yarrow and I went there to explore. It had this lovely mysterious plucking chimey music like it was from a forest in a SNES era RPG. There were indeed lots of glowy plants, even though it was so deep underground. Some of them bounced me up in the air like the mushrooms.

I took a good bit of damage, so I went back to town and bought the Hard Armor. Then i equipped the Karma Plates to hurt enemies that try to injure me by touch.

I came across these nasty snail enemies that shoot spines like cacti and roll around the place. I got my first death thanks to them.

I found an artifact when I got one of those spitting enemies to uncover a secret passage for me and a cog when I explored around where I heard one spinning.

Eventually I ran out of light but found another door that led to the other side of the wall! Immediately we found another warp point handily labelled "Below the Wall".

Shortly after this was Mason's Station. I prepared for a bit and went inside.

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