Wednesday 13 October 2021

24 steamworld dig 2 - beating up the great prophet of the doomsday cult

Dear Readers,

I was very close to the objective point at the Temple Bowels, so I headed straight there. There was a cave called the Combuster's Station.

I went inside and met the Great Prophet. Fen said this was the guy who brought them to the other temple. He shut the door behind me and demanded to know who dared enter this place. I demanded to know where Rusty was. He said Rusty the Destroyer will bring the Great Quake and shed their mortal coil. He said Rusty granted them a doomsday device before leaving again, saying he had mysterious ways.

I vowed to disable it and Fen was on board with blowing the device up. The Great Prophet said he wouldn't let us ruin their precious apocalypse.

He started chanting that lava shooting spell at me. I had to chase him around and hit him with my pickaxe. Eventually he stopped and told me I couldn't stop the Great Quake before he disappeared, possibly died. 

The lava started draining away and revealed a new upgrade. I got the Ignition Axe, which made my pickaxe glow. I was now able to activate the lava golems directly!

I continued this path that led back out the cave, grabbing a cog along the way.

There was another gate I had to unlock at the Temple Bowels. I scrambled around with my new ability and found three skull chalice thingies and lit them up. It opened the way to another cave. To the right of the gate was a huge gap. Judging from the conversation with Fen about being as cool as them, I may have to come back with a new ability. I went back to town to cash in.

Barnacle Jones said they should've dug for riches there years ago and let the cult do their own thing. Turtle Bucket geeked out at my new ignition axe tool.

I told the mayor about the doomsday device and he said it was someone else's problem and I'd be able to handle it anyway. He just wanted the ore and taxes on the ore. The professor encouraged me to disable the device too and said maybe she wouldn't have to make the spaceship after all. Trader Carson said he would've liked to have met Rusty but he didn't have business in Tumbleton at the time. Ah well.

I told Rosie about Rusty making the doomsday device and she said that meant he was evil. Hmm...

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