Thursday 7 October 2021

18 steamworld dig 2 - new mine at the east temple

Dear Readers,

I set out to cross the Windy Plains. I stopped in the Rock Falls cave first to solve a treacherous path digging through boulder bearing earth in order to obtain a cog and an artifact. I upgraded the armour to the Tempered one.

In the desert, Fen was delighted to see what looked like one of the professor's previous experiments, now crashed here.

I made my way across the plains, using the hook shot to get over the obstacle I couldn't before. I had to cling to the really tall wall when the wind got bad as I was climbing. Eventually I made it to the temple entrance, which had a handy tube warp.

I went inside to this place, called the Temple of the Destroyer. Inside I found a cultist worshipping at what looked like a statue of... Rusty! I asked them and they said it was indeed The Great Rusty, the Destroyer that was promised, as foretold by their Great Prophet, who has seen the coming of the blessed end. Yikes...

When the cultist saw Fen they got angry it was removed from the Temple of Guidance and said they'd sacrifice my parts in cleansing fire. It then attacked like they usually do. I defeated it and looked up at the statue of Rusty. It was holding something that was pouring lava.

Beyond was a lever that didn't work and a big statue or something that was in the way. I found a cog but eventually came to a dead end.

I had another careful look and found a skull chalice I could dig up to let the lava drops in. This powered the lever, which I could use to open the door under the Rusty statue.

I went below and this was the start of a brand new mine! That's one way of doing it I suppose. In this mine were a lot of these bat-like enemies that glowed like lava. They're very easy to knock away and defeat though. I dug around a bit, found ore and warped back to town.

Barnacle Jones suggested exploring in caves I already found. I think I'll do that before covering new ground.

Trader Carson asked what was going on with my shop at home. I said the town was still thriving, so plenty of bots were willing to help. I was glad to finally go out and mine.

Clifford Heisenberg was disgusted with the dangerous explosives the shiners were using instead of his much safer pressure bombs.

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