Sunday 3 October 2021

14 steamworld dig 2 - bypassing the wall

Dear Readers,

I went inside Mason's Station. There were passages of doors and switches I had to navigate.

I found an artifact and eventually I found the next ability, the jackhammer! The hammer in question being my fist! I knew there was something to help me through that wall obstacle since I was starting to see more of them.

I went back to town as people had more stuff to say. Barnacle Jones talked about the Professor building a rocket after losing her house to the earthquake and that more of these were being built all over the planet.

Ma Yonker asked me if I saw any Shiners yet and I said I didn't. They all disappeared after Rusty destroyed Vectron. She said she knew Shiners and that maybe they were worried about the earthquakes too like vermin leaving a sinking ship.

The Mayor wasn't too happy about me digging through and below the wall because of Shiners and said not to let them be coming up. The next target on the map came up above some green stuff. I can probably guess what that dangerous stuff is.

Davy gave me another blueprint for finding artifacts.

Turtle Bucket talked about my new jackhammer and potential upgrades I could now buy for it.

I installed the Core Diversity, which gives me a chance of obtaining Rainbow Orbs after defeating enemies. I don't know what those are yet. Maybe like orbs from the last game.

I upgraded the water tank to the Melville Regulator. Gonna need more water now.

Penny talked about friendship and loyalty and how the city people here were different than the country people. If I can get the sprite to stop insulting her long enough I can find out what she has to offer.

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