Thursday 14 October 2021

25 steamworld dig 2 - destroying the doomsday device

Dear Readers,

I headed straight for the cave called the Device of Doom. The doomsday device was inside. It was a big vibrating machine and glowing blue.

Fen said there were a lot of Vectron parts inside it and was only too delighted to smash it up. It seemed to be sucking something in through the top as well. With a few hits of my pickaxe I smashed it up easily. Fen was delighted.

I noticed there were Vectron and steambot parts inside this thing and wondered why Rusty would build it. The next thing to do was to tell Rosie.

I warped to the Oasis and she was happy with the news. I still wondered about Rusty. She said maybe he went to the remains of Vectron if that's the place that changed him. There were Vectron parts in the device...

Fen didn't want to go back to Vectron. They said I didn't know what it's like not having a will of my own. I said I couldn't stop now and asked them for the way. They showed a spot on the map that was far below even where we were. How do we even get there? They said I was on my own once I reached the place. All they wanted to do was to wreck stuff.

I chatted to people around town. They were happy I destroyed the device and they encouraged me to keep exploring. They didn't point out where or anything. Oh well. I'll have to seek it out then...

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