Monday 4 October 2021

15 steamworld dig 2 - exploring trilobite bluff and rupture rock hollow

Dear Readers,

When I got back underground I decided to explore the wall. I found lots of ore and even another cave! 

I found that the jackhammer wasn't that great for combat. Maybe after a few upgrades?

I went back to town and upgraded the pickaxe to a Bardaur-Grip.

Then I went to explore the cave I found, the Trilobite Bluff. In there there was a crawly enemy dispenser I could use to regenerate but also to lure on to switches. With this I was able to get the cog.

Afterwards I made my way to the next cave. Then I noticed there was a wall to the right of Mason's Cave. I jackhammered it and found a new character! It was Josh Yonker, one of the mayor's brothers! He gave me a blueprint that gave the option of making the game harder. Huh. Not exactly what I needed right now but thanks! He said he was trapped here because he forgot his tools. He asked me not to spread that detail though.

I dug further more and more until I ran out of room for resources. I went back to town, cashed in and upgraded the backpack to I-Can't-Believe-It's-Just-a-Bag. The Portal of Pardon sounded like a good handy warp thing so I installed that!

I dug until I found the next cave and then used that new warp to come back to town. Very handy but it's only one way. I cashed in and upgraded the lamp to the Lodestar.

This next cave was called the Rupture Rock Hollow. This was a fun cave with collapsing platforms I had to time and chase in order to proceed. I couldn't get past a certain point and I think I may need jump upgrades first so I'll come back later. I did manage to obtain an artifact though.

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