Monday 18 October 2021

29 steamworld dig 2 - return to the west temple

Dear Readers,

Time to set off for the west temple where it all began! I decided to do some upgrading first.

I upgraded the armour to the Famed Armour and then the bomb to the Acid Bomb.

I went to the west temple through Yarrow to that area I found before that was shaped like a pyramid, but there was no obvious way of getting in. There were points to dig down though. I did more exploring and connected to the part of the temple at the start of the game.

I started digging on the east side of this pyramid structure and found a cave called the Chamber of Secrets. Didn't find any wizards though haha. In this place was a path through passages with little puzzles to solve and arrows to outrun. I eventually came across an upgrade to the Pressure Bomb, the Grenade Launcher. With this it uses trajectory and a bit of a bounce before explosion. It'll be useful I guess. I had to use it straight away for the crates that were in the way. There was also that sign with the illusory wall. That path was so full of arrows and it was hard to avoid! I could've done with a shield. Anyway, there was an artifact to collect before going back to the path that looped back out the cave.

I went back to town and upgraded the water tank to The Notorious W.E.T., figuring I'll need to use the water more from now on.

Kinda missed the cool vibey bassy music from this temple.

I also had a chat with Clifford to see if he had anything to say about my new bomb upgrade. He was enthused and offered to sell me a prototype blueprint of a bomb he'd been working on. Maybe later when I have more money. It's strange how he didn't have the ellipsis when he had this new thing to say.

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