Friday 22 October 2021

34 steamworld dig 2 - jet packing around hodge-podge hang

Dear Readers,

I dug a little deeper in Yarrow and found a cave named Hodge-Podge Hang.

This cave was pretty wide open with precarious platforming. Thankfully I had the jet pack and I was able to explore well enough. The acid bombs melted the platforms too so it wasn't easy to hold on to them for very long. There wasn't a lot to explore, just wide open space and a bottomless pit. I found secrets by flying under to the right and going up the right wall and going all the way to the top left of the area.

Just a short session today so I went back to town and I had enough artifacts for a new blueprint. It was for an attachment that dealt more damage against enemies and I equipped it. It'll be handy for those dangerous snails.

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