Saturday 16 October 2021

27 steamworld dig 2 - outrunning vectron golems

Dear Readers,

Fen and I parted ways as I entered Vectron. I found myself in a dark area with metallic trash walls everywhere and some lightning. It did not look like a non-evil place.

I went through some tunnels and came across what might be a different kind of golem, but could just as well be some kind of wreckage.

After that I came across these blue spirit things kind of like Fen but they looked monstrous. They flew into monitors and made them explode. I only had to keep away.

There was a huge drop that killed me, so I had to return and slide down along the wall.

I continued right and got some computery interference effects that were cool. Then I found a sprite that possessed an electric golem like the one I saw earlier. Then it became like the Terminator and chased after me! I couldn't outrun it so I dived for cover and it eventually stopped so I could slip by.

After this I found many more of these golems buried in earth. I had to slip by them and the Vectron sprites very carefully. I died a few times but I managed it. I did wake up a couple of them but luckily there was another steep wall to drop down. I clung to the wall under an overhang until the red alert lights and music passed by.

I continued on, replenishing health from the exploding monitors. Eventually I dropped down into a cluster of golems that Vectron sprites possessed and gave chase! I ran as fast as I could to the left, going through obstacles until the computer interference came back and some weird menu commands flashed up.

After that I woke up at the point where I entered this area, or at least I thought it was. It was some ways away. I headed left and got the next upgrade, the Jet Engine! I was now able to fly for a little bit! I used this new ability to get out and back to the portal where Fen was.

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