Friday 1 October 2021

12 steamworld dig 2 - reaching higher levels in town

Dear Readers,

I went back to town and realised there was another layer to the place! There was a block I could shoot out with the Pressure Bomb that released a ladder and let me up towards another section with more NPCs to talk to.

Trader Carson was here. So that's where he went off to! He said he liked being in this posh part of town selling his cogs to the rich people. He found these in yard sales or thrift stores or even just out in the wild. He told me about the clackity sound they made and how it takes a trained ear to find them, though I knew about that already. He was selling them for $25. Sounds handy. I might come back to him.

There was a neat looking rocket here and Professor Sherman was standing near it. He said the mayor was being unscientific and he needed a contingency plan in case the earthquakes made this place tumble.

He also talked about the wall. I told him there was one in my hometown as well and he said it was the same wall that continued for miles. He said it was the greatest single bot-made structure in existence and if it were up here you'd be able to see it from space.

The topic went to the shiners, the reason for the wall. He identified them as homo devolvis and said they were crafty when it came to specific subjects. He said the Moon Juice they concocted to cope with life underground was quite special. It was highly mutagenic and addictive but also an extremely effective energy source. He tried to experiment with it but it was too volatile to be used as rocket fuel.

Very interesting. This is of course a humorous reference to humans and alcohol.

There were even more people I couldn't reach in this town. I'll have to get a higher jump to talk to them.

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