Saturday 30 April 2022

196 zelda breath of the wild - icy pinball/bagatelle at ne'ez yohma shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to do the "Pushing Power" trial at Ne'ez Yohma Shrine.

Friday 29 April 2022

195 zelda breath of the wild - very short battle at dah hesho shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to complete Dah Hesho Shrine. It was another minor combat trial.

Tuesday 26 April 2022

192 zelda breath of the wild - the master sword sucks :(

Dear Readers,

I was so happy to finally get the Master Sword in this game. At last, I now had a weapon that wouldn't ever break! I had fun using it for a while, but then came the massive disappointment when I saw there was a catch...

Sunday 24 April 2022

190 zelda breath of the wild - noisy wind turbines at rin oyaa shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to do more shrines. Might as well get stronger. I went to Rin Oyaa Shrine to take on the "Directing the Wind" trial. It's in the cold Hebra region but thankfully it's not cold inside :)

Saturday 23 April 2022

189 zelda breath of the wild - well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, aliza!

Dear Readers,

When I got the Master Sword I warped to Outskirt Stable to see Aliza. She was dying to meet the hero of Hyrule and I was curious to see how she would react now that I could prove it.

Friday 22 April 2022

188 zelda breath of the wild - the master sword is mine at last!

Dear Readers,

When I finally pulled out the Master Sword, I got a vision of Princess Zelda kneeling at the pedestal 100 years ago, telling it that its master will someday come for it.

Thursday 21 April 2022

187 zelda breath of the wild - upgrading hearts to qualify for the master sword

Dear Readers,

I finally made the decision to upgrade from having only three heart containers! The Master Sword was now within reach and I needed to cash in the Spirit Orbs I had been saving!

Wednesday 20 April 2022

186 zelda breath of the wild - constellation counting at keo ruug shrine

Dear Readers,

I had a nice time hanging out with the Koroks. I decided to do the "Fateful Stars" trial at the local Keo Ruug Shrine.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

185 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out in korok forest

Dear Readers,

I decided to hang out and mingle among the Korok folk. It's quite a bit different to hanging out in stables and villages!

Monday 18 April 2022

184 zelda breath of the wild - the great deku tree speaks

Dear Readers,

The Great Deku Tree woke up and started speaking to me. It said I finally decided to show up. It knew me alright, but I didn't have any recollection of who it was.

Sunday 17 April 2022

Saturday 16 April 2022

50 xenoblade - meeting sharla at the refugee camp

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I followed Juju's directions and we came to the guidepost, though we really needed that guiding arrow on top of that. Then we went through some woods and met some refugees that were hanging around there. They were from the camp. One had a sidequest.

This lady wanted us to defeat the White Eduardo at Raguel Lake, which was only available during a thunderstorm. It had a clock next to it as well. She said it cast a huge shadow. Sounds fearsome. We accepted.

She had more for us. She wanted us to defeat the Violent Andante located between Viliera Hill and Sky Stage. We accepted that too.

We collected a item near her and I got a vision and a tutorial about items I may need for a future quest with its own special mark. I never got that mark before! Seems really handy! Not sure why it's now I'm getting it since I did get items I needed before for a quest.

We continued following the directions and arrived at the camp.

A lady came out and yelled at Juju for leaving the camp. I saw a vision when she appeared. It was of her getting eaten by a Mechon. Yikes... Juju apologised and they made up. She saw our gear and asked us for news about Colony 6. We said we were from Colony 9. Juju introduced us and she introduced herself as Juju's sister Sharla.

We asked what happened to Colony 6. She said it was now occupied by the Mechon... it was not good news to hear. She asked us inside to tell us more.

Friday 15 April 2022

49 xenoblade - saving juju from triceratops thingies

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I arrived at whatever was causing all that smoke and it wasn't a campfire, it was a buggy. We wondered who abandoned it here? I reached out with my hand and got a vision...

I saw a boy being chased by those triceratops things! They weren't so harmless after all! I told Reyn and we set out to look for an area with water.

There was lots of water all around us with all the rivers, waterfalls and everything, but we still had to find where the boy was, so we just used the arrow to guide us, taking out some sidequest enemies along the way.

We found the boy and told him to get out of here while we dealt with the triceratops thingies, which were much bigger than the ones we dealt with earlier. They were easy enough to defeat though, thankfully.

After we rescued him, the boy took us back to his buggy. His name was Juju and he had a short circuit, leaving him stranded among monsters. I fixed his buggy for him and he was very grateful. He invited us back to his camp of Homs and gave us directions. We took him up on the offer.

Thursday 14 April 2022

48 xenoblade - arriving in gaur plains

Dear Readers,

I decided that was it for now from Colony 9 and its sidequests. We're simply not strong enough to take on some of these harder ones. I decided to continue our journey beyond Tephra Cave.

We established a landmark at Leg Pass. I was wondering when we were gonna make one in that area. I didn't want to go too far beyond before because I knew it was a big epic moment ahead of us, but we managed to find the landmark at least so we can warp easily.

We went into a canyon and met some Homs. One was a shopkeeper and another had a sidequest. He wanted us to take out a couple of Leg Ardun as they were always being attacked by them. We agreed to. He had more quests than that too. He wanted us to defeat 3 Maker Bunnits, 5 Field Ponios, and 3 Leg Volff(at night). We accepted to defeat all of them. He warned us about monsters on the upcoming Gaur Plains in general and mentioned Aqua Nebulae when it rains; those are strong against physical attacks.

We passed through the canyon to the Gaur Plains on the Bionis' Leg, a brand new humongous area with booming epic music, my favourite in the game so far! We spotted a campfire and got a tutorial saying an ether type of enemy will attack in response to ether use, using the example of an Aqua Nebula that will attack if an art with a horizontal line is used. Whew... more stuff to consider. The symbol looks like some dangerous nuclear one.

We saw some Armu and very quickly spotted a couple of Leg Ardun, which were like big triceratops. They were LV13 and weren't too difficult to deal with at all. They didn't even want to attack us initially. The mission screen said maybe the man who gave us the sidequest got too close to them.

We headed towards the smoke.

Wednesday 13 April 2022

47 xenoblade - pecked to death by dark murakmor

Dear Readers,

After finishing loads of quests in Tephra Cave, we went back to town again.

Emmy Leater was thankful for our help. She was up for promotion too, which was nice. It was great to see her get the respect from her peers.

I went back to Tephra Cave to do Sesame's quest. He then asked me to talk to Betty.

I spoke to Betty and she gave me a sealed package for Sesame. I took it back to him. He was pleased. The relation between him and Betty was labelled "scepticism". Hmm...

He had another quest for me. He wanted 2 Iron Krabble Shells from Colony Krabbles. I already had them so I gave them to him. He then wanted me to speak to Kenny Rohan.

I caught up with Kenny Rohan and he gave me a fragile package. I went back to Sesame and he was happy.

Then Sesame had another quest for us. He still wouldn't tell us what he and his secret group were up to but he gave us the quest anyway. He wanted us to defeat the Dark Murakmor near Anti-Air Battery 3 at night.

We went there and saw a big creature at LV18! We were LV19 at this stage. It was a big blue bird just chilling there with its wings spread out. We tried it out but it beat us easily! It hovered above us and pecked at us with its beak. It was much too strong for us. We'll have to take it on later.

Tuesday 12 April 2022

46 xenoblade - finishing lots of sidequests in lake vilia

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I still had lots to do for sidequests in Tephra Cave, so we went back there, particularly around Vilia Lake. Last time I was there I had to run through while looking for him.

A soldier in Mag Mell Ruins had another sidequest for us. He wanted us to get rid of 2 Devoted Arachno, 4 Resolute Arachno and 3 Zealous Arachno, all near Vilia Lake. We accepted.

We cleared some quests at the Lake of Grief and continued towards Vilia Lake. The Devoted Arachno took a while to defeat, even though they were quite small.

We got so much treasure we got the Hoarding Treasure achievement for the 50th rare treasure chest we obtained.

The Resolute Arachno were around those egg sac things and attacked all in a big bunch. Got 'em all in the one fight.

The Zealous Arachno were the same story as the Devoted ones, small, yet take a while to defeat. We lured them one by one.

Shulk made a voiced dialogue joke about being "Right as Reyn" instead of rain and Reyn roared in laughter. That was pretty amusing.

We got to the lake and finished some more quests. We fought another big Brog and obtained the achievement It Hasn't Lost its Lustre for obtaining 10 super rare treasure chests.

We found something very interesting in the lake area, a Warehouse Door behind a waterfall. It was locked. This was very interesting indeed!

One of the soldiers wanted to thank us for the help, so he told us about a treasure he buried by the cave exit. That was nice of him. We got a Topple Guard II or whatever it was called.

Monday 11 April 2022

45 xenoblade - reaching kneecap hill and retracing steps

Dear Readers,

After the big spider fight, Reyn and I followed the path to what looked like an exit with blue skies ahead.

We went out through this cave entrance and looked up towards the skies. We could see the full spectacle of the Bionis and the Mechonis, their swords locked into each other for eternity. We were at the bottom of the Bionis. We looked over at Mechonis, where our enemy resided. I clenched my fist in determination.

Little did we know someone was looking at us too, with their red, mechanical eye. It flew away. The next scene showed it reporting to a much bigger machine, which held a Hom upside down before destroying it.

We found ourselves on an area known as Kneecap Hill. We had a climb ahead of us.

The first thing I thought of doing was jumping right off the cliff and into the void. I got the achievement Terminal Velocity for dying that way.

After this, I decided to go back to Colony 9 to cash in on some sidequests. I knew there was big epic rolling hills music about to come up but that can wait for now!

What I wanted to do most of all was the sidequest involving Monica and her love life. I knew there was a choice to make, so I looked it up to see what was best. It turns out it doesn't really make a difference and it's just a matter of taste and she realises she's better off with Andreas anyway. I decided to let her live out her dream of being with Erik until she came to her own conclusions.

Poor Andreas though, he was so unhappy.

I chatted with Arnaut. Turns out he's married to Francoise. He wondered how she was and I said she was fine and he said that made him feel good enough to stay at work another six months. Yeesh. That other option of encouraging him to ask her himself seemed more inviting now.

Emmy Leater was delighted with what we did for her and she was going to have more missions from now on. She did indeed have something else for us. It was to defeat an unknown monster at Spring of Grief or Vilia Lake.

Looks like I still have lots to do here. I caught up with Francoise and she wanted Arnaut to come home once in a while. 

I did so much skip travelling that I got the Lazybones achievement for doing it 50 times haha!

Sunday 10 April 2022

44 xenoblade - giant spider fight and changing the outcome

Dear Readers,

I found Reyn surrounded by Arachnos, just like in my vision! I came to his help and he started running. I called out to him. He said it was no use, for every one he killed, ten more sprouted up! Then the giant Arachno from my vision appeared and came at Reyn.

When this happened, I got in there and the Monado turned from a blue glow to a golden one. I swung it round and a force field appeared around Reyn, saving him from the attack in my vision. We finally joined up again and got ready to take on the huge monster.

My new art was some kind of shield and I got a tutorial about visions of the future. This was very detailed! Now I was able to change the future and see attacks from bad guys coming in a very detailed way. I have to warn party members about things happening so we can carry out actions that will change the future, such as the shield thing just now. I had to have at least 1 block in the party gauge. This'll take some getting used to...

I fumbled through this battle a bit but I was able to warn Reyn about big attacks at least. We were able to defeat the monster.

I told Reyn about my visions and since we were able to change them they were more like warnings. This will allow us to change the outcome of big battles like this.

He said we were almost to the Bionis' knee so the next thing to do was to press ahead. I got a tutorial about monster talent art levels and how we must have a shield at the same level or higher to block it. It encouraged levelling up the shield art. There was another one about Skill Links.

There was a bit to read in the tutorials. One was stratregies on changing the future like using a shield, or changing the aggro target, using Topple or Daze to change the time remaining for the big attack and using a chain attack to make this timer pause. Lots of stuff you can do there.

The other one was a more detailed explanation about Skill Links. It uses affinity and Affinity Coins to link character's skills so one character can use another character's skills. Whew... exhausting.

On the other side of the area, the path continued with more ether lamps to mark it. What an extremely dangerous path...

We followed this tunnel until we could see a bright blue sky at the end of it...

Saturday 9 April 2022

43 xenoblade - arachno web trap!

Dear Readers,

We were surrounded by Arachnos but we fought them off easily. We got some good attacks in and even did a chain one that finished them off.

This wasn't the attack in my vision though... I apologised for not waking sooner and Reyn said not to worry, but I looked like I was having a nightmare. My eyes glowed and I had the vision again of Reyn being attacked by the giant Arachno. Then the voice echoed through my mind again about the True Monado, growing with the Monado and changing the future. What did it all mean? I debated with myself whether I should tell Reyn or not. He was all set to venture on.

We went on a bit and found the lost son's armour.

We went further again and found monster egg sacs, but they seemed to have Mechon parts as well? We got too close and I had the vision again. I called out to Reyn telling him to get back, but it was too late! Some weird webbing came down and clung to him before taking him away! I had to find him!

I got a tutorial about enemies that react to sound like the Arachno do.

I ran ahead and came across another big spring. Above this spring was a path where I saw Reyn being chased by Arachnos. I got a tutorial about climbable walls and pillars and went after them.

This place was called Vilia Lake and it had interesting variations of monsters, items and harvestable spots, but I had no time now. I ran towards the climbable wall and got up to the path, where I chased after Reyn and the Arachno pursuers.

Friday 8 April 2022

42 xenoblade - arachno attack!

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I followed the path to where we met the first Arachnos. They were small and didn't give us any silk for the sidequest.

Further on, we came across some dead bodies. They were soldiers from Colony 6.

A scene played out where we observed their bodies and found that they were attacked not by the Mechon, but by the monsters that lived in this cave. We returned them to the Bionis at a pool of water nearby.

We shuddered to think of the monsters that did this. It took a while to deal with the Hom bodies so we set up camp and took turns doing watch. We wondered why the Mechon attacked us, if we did something wrong. I felt guilty because the Monado revealed to me in a vision that Fiora was going to be attacked. Reyn reassured me though saying we couldn't have done anything about it.

We then talked about the Monado and the events all those years ago where I was found alive but my parents weren't. Reyn reckoned the Monado chose me. I was able to handle it but Dickson wasn't able to. It did damage to his body but I was able to handle it just fine.

There was lots to learn, but for now we just had to get through this night. I rested while Reyn took watch.

I had a dream or something where a voice told me about changing the future and finding the True Monado.

Then I got a vision of Reyn fighting with a huge horde of Arachnos, including a really big one that took a swing at him! He called my name.

I woke and there we were, surrounded by Arachnos! Dun dun dunnn!

Thursday 7 April 2022

41 xenoblade - reaching the spring of grief

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I observed the ether lamp we came across and we decided we could use them to guide us to the Bionis' Knee. It was sure to be dangerous though.

We continued through the cave and came across the Spring of Grief. We found some ether deposit crystals and got a tutorial about harvesting and earned the Titan's Gift achievement for our first harvest. It's said it depletes and we'd have to come back to it later if we wanted more.

At the spring were Vangs and a Brog we hadn't met yet but were able to deal with them handily. We just had to lure the vangs away from the centre of the spring. There was stuff to obtain from the Krabbles here for sidequests too.

There was a heart-to-heart here but we couldn't access it.

We had to change the time to night time for that Tephra Drop quest.

A Solid Konev appeared, which was a big Krabble Lv10 with crystals in its shell. It took longer to defeat than the other enemies here, but we beat it no problem, probably because a rock was in the way between it and its target on Reyn.

The path ended at the spring, but there was another path from there going uphill.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

40 xenoblade - chatting with defence force soldiers in the mag mell ruins

Dear Readers,

We went to Tephra Cave at night. I wanted to do that matchmaking sidequest involving Monica.

The defence force said some soldiers were inside. I got the achievement "Some Help You Are!" for winning a battle without actually doing anything. Reyn beat a bug all by himself haha.

We met a defence force soldier who had a quest for us. He said another soldier was sent to the Cylinder Hangar and hadn't been heard from since. He wanted us to see if he was okay. We accepted. He had another quest about collecting Arachno Silk. He said he just had his sixth kid and needed the money. I said that must be one noisy household! He said it was but it was worth it. We agreed to collect 3 pieces of Arachno Silk from Worker Arachno in the cave.

They opened the door that was locked before when we passed by here. They told us this led the way out and towards Colony 6. Part of what we needed to do was to go there and warn them about the Mechon.

For now we went to the Cylinder Hangar and found the missing soldier. He was grand so that quest was a success. He had a quest of his own though. He lost a pendant his girlfriend gave to him for luck when he joined the force. He remembered he was near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave when rocks started falling. He rushed out and reckoned he must've dropped it near the blocked path. He asked us to find this lost pendant and we accepted.

We went through the newly opened door to the Escape Pod Bay and met more soldiers, one of whom had another quest for us. She wanted us to collect 2 Kneecap Rocks in the cave. We had them so that was done right away. She also wanted 2 Bright Figs, saying they were for some poor kids and definitely not her! Haha. Anyway we had them too so we gave them to her. She also wanted 3 Broken Pincers from the Krabbles in the cave to repair the anti-air batteries. We didn't have these at the moment. Then she wanted 1 lot of Brog Smelling Salts from a Noble Brog in the cave. We didn't have those either.

She told us the regular route was blocked by rubble so they had to use another route until they could clear it.

The other soldier in this room didn't have any quests for us but warned us about the Arachno nest up ahead and told us to walk quietly to avoid a fight.

There was a lot more than I was expecting so that matchmaking quest will have to wait a while.

Tuesday 5 April 2022

39 xenoblade - mingling in residential district after mechon attack

Dear Readers,

I mingled in the residential district post-Mechon invasion.

Dionysis complained about Jan being interested in Minnie and asked me what I thought. I said love keeps the ticker going and he said I was probably right and said it was good that someone Jan's age could find happiness.

Suzanna thanked me for finding sweets for her son, but he ended up eating them without studying. She asked me to bring her two pieces of Heavy Bunniv Iron. I asked what she wanted it for and she said to exercise and lose weight. She didn't seem forthcoming with her true intentions.

I already had what she wanted, so I gave it to her. She then revealed she was going to use these heavy things to weigh Moritz down so he would study. Yikes.

Then there's the mystery of that glowing thingy in the water under the bridge connecting the area to the plaza. It goes away when we jump in the water. What's going on with that? I guess I'll find out later.

I went out of town and found some Dawn Hydrangeas for Francoise, finishing her quest. She was very happy!

Narine then had a quest for us. She had a falling out with Paola arguing who was better, me or Reyn. She wanted me to kill a dragon for her but on my own. I then got a vision of her arguing with Paola. After that I told her it might make things worse between them. I encouraged her to get along with her friend just like Reyn and myself do with each other. The quest became about raising affinity between Reyn and me. This I accepted no problem. Our affinity level was already good, so I was able to convince Narine straight away. She was able to see the good in Reyn. However she wanted us to prove it to Paola. We couldn't convince Paola because we had to raise our affinity level even higher. Got a bit to go yet...

Monday 4 April 2022

38 xenoblade - matchmaking dilemma

Dear Readers,

I went mingling in the military district, where people were still shifting bits of rubble after the big Mechon attack.

Jan said he helped Minnie out, who expressed thanks by cooking him a meal. He was very fond of her!

In general, they were suffering in the military and they needed a lot of help with the way everything was going.

Emmy Leater had a quest for us. Wind Vangs in Tephra Cave were increasing in number and she wanted us to kill five of them. We accepted.

At night we established a link between Erik and Dean. Then Monica asked us for something, calling us her matchmakers. She asked us to get a Tephra Drop after hearing she could give it to Erik to make him fall in love with her. We had to get it from near the Spring of Grief in Tephra Cave at night. Hope she doesn't end up falling in love when we give it to her... anyway we accepted.

Just then, I got a vision. It was Erik thinking about Monica and how he wasn't looking for anything serious. If she got all soppy on her he was planning to dump her and move on. Yikes... Then the vision shifted to Andreas, who was grieving that Monica married Erik. He knew Erik was just using her.

I then spoke to Andreas, who wanted me to get the Tephra Drop for him to give to Monica! I now had to choose who to help! I accepted and then got another vision. This time it was Monica who wondered why she married Andreas. She regretted it deeply.

I'll have to choose carefully here. That gift doesn't look like it changes people's feelings. That's the only thing I have to go on here.

Sunday 3 April 2022

37 xenoblade - taking a brief look at gem crafting before running away in confusion

Dear Readers,

We had a chat with the Gem Man. He was ready to work now and charged us nothing as we were friends of the great Dunban.

Then we got a tutorial about gem crafting and wow it's really complicated. There's terminology like "shooter" and "engineer" and it made my head spin. More concepts like "heat" and "fever" came up and I felt pretty lost at this stage.

I decided not to do any gem crafting now.

We met Sesame who asked us if we were interested in joining him and his gang. He gave us a quest about collecting 2 Croaking Brog Bags from Singing Brogs in Tephra Cave. We accepted. He was the leader of the guys in the alley who were plotting something, whatever it was.

Day broke and we mingled some more. People were suffering a terrible loss and it was sad to hear everything they were going through. Cheryl, the old lady who liked to stand up high and yell at everyone asked us to find her son who went missing years ago. She said she found something that belonged to him. Then she said her son was never coming back and asked us to find his other effects that remained. She wanted to know how far her son went. She said he was aiming to reach the Bionis' head. We had to find three things, the armour, the gun, the knife.

We went to the plaza where we heard people shifted the iron rubble into the lake below. Pathways had to be cleared. People all round town where shifting bits of rubble off the road even now.

Saturday 2 April 2022

36 xenoblade - fetching milk for giorgio the overworked curry chef

Dear Readers,

A lady noticed Giorgio was looking worn out since the Mechon attacked. She reckoned he must've been trying to keep a sense of normality in the colony by working extra hard, but noticed it must've been taking its toll on him.

I had a chat with him and a Monado vision came to me. In the vision he was lying on the ground calling Paola's name. He had collapsed due to overwork and underpay! A mission came up and said to prevent this from happening, to either convince him or consult with a relative.

I talked with him some more and he insisted he was a big manly man who could take it. Then he came round a bit and asked us to get some fresh armu milk as it was very nutritious. I now had to collect 3 lots of this milk from Armus.

I toyed with the idea of going after the Armus that were tougher than the baby ones but they were far too tough. I stuck to the baby ones for now as the bigger ones were level 30+. I fought some baby ones and got the "Tough Guy, Eh?" achievement for defeating 200 enemies. Nice.

I defeated a few to get enough milk for Giorgio. He was delighted and energised enough to keep going with his work. He then said he was proud that Kenny Rohan was a fan of his curry too.

Friday 1 April 2022

35 xenoblade - confronting the loan shark king squeeze

Dear Readers,

A flashback scene played from fourteen years ago. A group of people were trudging through a fierce blizzard. They came to a massive door of a weird structure and opened it up. A blue laser emerged from it.

Some time later, Dickson arrived at the structure by himself. He went inside and found the previous group of people all laying on the ground! He went deeper inside. There, at the end, was the Monado on top of some kind of powered pedestal. In front of it lay a boy who looked a lot like me. He picked the boy up.

Back to present day. Reyn and I were discussing our plan. We decided to go to Colony 6, outlining the various areas we had to go through to get there, including Tephra Cave and the ruins to get to the Bionis' Leg. I got a Killer Combo achievement, which meant we performed a chain attack with Dunban to deal a total of 3000 damage. Nice.

We now had access to gem crafting as well, so we headed back to town.

It was night time and people had different stuff to say. We're gonig to be here a long while yet.

I spoke to Leopold, who was very deep in money trouble. Then this big flashback happened which showed his meeting with a loan shark named King Squeeze. Yikes. He threatened to seize his belongings! I accepted the quest to help out. That flashback must be because I was now wielding the Monado?

I spoke to the Nopon who thought it was too loud during the day, but now it was quiet all the time, and the quiet of the night he found to be lonely. Aw...

Désirée said she missed Betty since she got married. I'll have a chat with her later. She also wished her dad was still here. Aw...

Oleksiy was getting restless and said he had a frontier spirit. It seems living here was getting him down.

I caught up with King Squeeze! He was chatting on the side platform with the old man. He said he was a reasonable moneylender and it was Leopold's fault for splashing out on his girlfriend. Just then a flash appeared and showed a scene where the girlfriend Sylviane and King Squeeze were in cahoots! Nooooo! She was taking orders from him! He wanted her to get Leopold into so much debt he'd lose his house! King Squeeze said he wanted to get out of the game and take Leopold's house!

A new quest came up with a decision to talk to either Sylviane or to Leopold! Whoa! That's interesting!

I decided to talk to Sylviane and she admitted everything, saying she didn't want to work for him anymore. She said if I wanted to confront King Squeeze I could find his Top-Secret Orders she chucked away off the Central Plaza. Good idea. She was confident because she believed in Leopold's love for her. I believe it too. I think I did the right thing.

I jumped off the platform in the residential district where people were observing some weird shiny thing in the water. It was weirder than the usual items and it was moving around. They loved it so much they didn't want the mystery of it to be revealed. They felt it was making them feel happy or healed. I'm interested in it but I'll hold off for now.

I jumped into the water from here and swam around the central plaza until I found the Top Secret Orders.

I had to adjust the time, but I got back to King Squeeze and confronted him. He admitted everything, promised he'd tell Sylviane to stop carrying out her orders and that he'd stop harassing Leopold. He insisted that he was a nice guy and that Leopold should have better sense. He then asked me to keep this to myself in return.

Bleh. At least the worst hasn't happened and Leopold is under less pressure. I still think King Squeeze is a horrible person though.

I got the Shaping History achievement, which said I changed someone's life through my actions. King Squeeze said Sylviane can continue living her happy life and he himself could go on without vicious rumours if I kept it quiet. Hrm... I'm not thrilled with this but that's the saga.

I then learned that Sylviane is cousins with Francoise and she considers her tight-fisted and not at all extravagant like her. Leopold then said being poor was a blessing as it helped with his writing, giving it a gritty feel. I don't know if that's such a great thing...

He acknowledged Arnaut's appreciation for him though, which is really nice.

I chatted with Francoise and she was sad because her flowers got flattened in the attack. I agreed to help her collect 5 Dawn Hydrangeas to cheer her up.

More mingling next time...