Sunday 3 April 2022

37 xenoblade - taking a brief look at gem crafting before running away in confusion

Dear Readers,

We had a chat with the Gem Man. He was ready to work now and charged us nothing as we were friends of the great Dunban.

Then we got a tutorial about gem crafting and wow it's really complicated. There's terminology like "shooter" and "engineer" and it made my head spin. More concepts like "heat" and "fever" came up and I felt pretty lost at this stage.

I decided not to do any gem crafting now.

We met Sesame who asked us if we were interested in joining him and his gang. He gave us a quest about collecting 2 Croaking Brog Bags from Singing Brogs in Tephra Cave. We accepted. He was the leader of the guys in the alley who were plotting something, whatever it was.

Day broke and we mingled some more. People were suffering a terrible loss and it was sad to hear everything they were going through. Cheryl, the old lady who liked to stand up high and yell at everyone asked us to find her son who went missing years ago. She said she found something that belonged to him. Then she said her son was never coming back and asked us to find his other effects that remained. She wanted to know how far her son went. She said he was aiming to reach the Bionis' head. We had to find three things, the armour, the gun, the knife.

We went to the plaza where we heard people shifted the iron rubble into the lake below. Pathways had to be cleared. People all round town where shifting bits of rubble off the road even now.

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