Friday 8 April 2022

42 xenoblade - arachno attack!

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I followed the path to where we met the first Arachnos. They were small and didn't give us any silk for the sidequest.

Further on, we came across some dead bodies. They were soldiers from Colony 6.

A scene played out where we observed their bodies and found that they were attacked not by the Mechon, but by the monsters that lived in this cave. We returned them to the Bionis at a pool of water nearby.

We shuddered to think of the monsters that did this. It took a while to deal with the Hom bodies so we set up camp and took turns doing watch. We wondered why the Mechon attacked us, if we did something wrong. I felt guilty because the Monado revealed to me in a vision that Fiora was going to be attacked. Reyn reassured me though saying we couldn't have done anything about it.

We then talked about the Monado and the events all those years ago where I was found alive but my parents weren't. Reyn reckoned the Monado chose me. I was able to handle it but Dickson wasn't able to. It did damage to his body but I was able to handle it just fine.

There was lots to learn, but for now we just had to get through this night. I rested while Reyn took watch.

I had a dream or something where a voice told me about changing the future and finding the True Monado.

Then I got a vision of Reyn fighting with a huge horde of Arachnos, including a really big one that took a swing at him! He called my name.

I woke and there we were, surrounded by Arachnos! Dun dun dunnn!

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