Monday 11 April 2022

45 xenoblade - reaching kneecap hill and retracing steps

Dear Readers,

After the big spider fight, Reyn and I followed the path to what looked like an exit with blue skies ahead.

We went out through this cave entrance and looked up towards the skies. We could see the full spectacle of the Bionis and the Mechonis, their swords locked into each other for eternity. We were at the bottom of the Bionis. We looked over at Mechonis, where our enemy resided. I clenched my fist in determination.

Little did we know someone was looking at us too, with their red, mechanical eye. It flew away. The next scene showed it reporting to a much bigger machine, which held a Hom upside down before destroying it.

We found ourselves on an area known as Kneecap Hill. We had a climb ahead of us.

The first thing I thought of doing was jumping right off the cliff and into the void. I got the achievement Terminal Velocity for dying that way.

After this, I decided to go back to Colony 9 to cash in on some sidequests. I knew there was big epic rolling hills music about to come up but that can wait for now!

What I wanted to do most of all was the sidequest involving Monica and her love life. I knew there was a choice to make, so I looked it up to see what was best. It turns out it doesn't really make a difference and it's just a matter of taste and she realises she's better off with Andreas anyway. I decided to let her live out her dream of being with Erik until she came to her own conclusions.

Poor Andreas though, he was so unhappy.

I chatted with Arnaut. Turns out he's married to Francoise. He wondered how she was and I said she was fine and he said that made him feel good enough to stay at work another six months. Yeesh. That other option of encouraging him to ask her himself seemed more inviting now.

Emmy Leater was delighted with what we did for her and she was going to have more missions from now on. She did indeed have something else for us. It was to defeat an unknown monster at Spring of Grief or Vilia Lake.

Looks like I still have lots to do here. I caught up with Francoise and she wanted Arnaut to come home once in a while. 

I did so much skip travelling that I got the Lazybones achievement for doing it 50 times haha!

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