Saturday 16 April 2022

50 xenoblade - meeting sharla at the refugee camp

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I followed Juju's directions and we came to the guidepost, though we really needed that guiding arrow on top of that. Then we went through some woods and met some refugees that were hanging around there. They were from the camp. One had a sidequest.

This lady wanted us to defeat the White Eduardo at Raguel Lake, which was only available during a thunderstorm. It had a clock next to it as well. She said it cast a huge shadow. Sounds fearsome. We accepted.

She had more for us. She wanted us to defeat the Violent Andante located between Viliera Hill and Sky Stage. We accepted that too.

We collected a item near her and I got a vision and a tutorial about items I may need for a future quest with its own special mark. I never got that mark before! Seems really handy! Not sure why it's now I'm getting it since I did get items I needed before for a quest.

We continued following the directions and arrived at the camp.

A lady came out and yelled at Juju for leaving the camp. I saw a vision when she appeared. It was of her getting eaten by a Mechon. Yikes... Juju apologised and they made up. She saw our gear and asked us for news about Colony 6. We said we were from Colony 9. Juju introduced us and she introduced herself as Juju's sister Sharla.

We asked what happened to Colony 6. She said it was now occupied by the Mechon... it was not good news to hear. She asked us inside to tell us more.

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