Wednesday 13 April 2022

47 xenoblade - pecked to death by dark murakmor

Dear Readers,

After finishing loads of quests in Tephra Cave, we went back to town again.

Emmy Leater was thankful for our help. She was up for promotion too, which was nice. It was great to see her get the respect from her peers.

I went back to Tephra Cave to do Sesame's quest. He then asked me to talk to Betty.

I spoke to Betty and she gave me a sealed package for Sesame. I took it back to him. He was pleased. The relation between him and Betty was labelled "scepticism". Hmm...

He had another quest for me. He wanted 2 Iron Krabble Shells from Colony Krabbles. I already had them so I gave them to him. He then wanted me to speak to Kenny Rohan.

I caught up with Kenny Rohan and he gave me a fragile package. I went back to Sesame and he was happy.

Then Sesame had another quest for us. He still wouldn't tell us what he and his secret group were up to but he gave us the quest anyway. He wanted us to defeat the Dark Murakmor near Anti-Air Battery 3 at night.

We went there and saw a big creature at LV18! We were LV19 at this stage. It was a big blue bird just chilling there with its wings spread out. We tried it out but it beat us easily! It hovered above us and pecked at us with its beak. It was much too strong for us. We'll have to take it on later.

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