Tuesday 19 April 2022

185 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out in korok forest

Dear Readers,

I decided to hang out and mingle among the Korok folk. It's quite a bit different to hanging out in stables and villages!

First of all, this didn't really look like a civilised town or village. It was mostly overgrowth that went up to my knees and waist. There weren't any roads apart from a stepping stone path and other paths that kinda looked beaten but not very much. The only real indicators of civilisation at first glance were lights and of course the music, which was like a family movie march. It was quite nice and it slowed down at nighttime. It wasn't that easy to see who I could talk to as the Koroks always peered out at me from a distance, then hid away when I got close. They were kinda like cats that way.

I spoke with Chio again. They were the elder and they told me more about the Korok Trials. They were: Trial of Second Sight in the southwest; The Lost Pilgrimage in the northwest; The Test Of Wood in the east. He said that pulling the Master Sword out would probably be no problem if I passed them. I said I'd take them on and this came up as "The Korok Trials" in side quests.

Kula was nearby. They wanted to see an Ice Rod and I obliged. This came up as "A Freezing Rod" in side quests.

Peeks was here too and happy to see me as well. They wanted to see a picture of a Blupee and I obliged. "Legendary Rabbit Trial" came up in side quests.

Maca called out to me when I walked up the slope. They had information for me. I asked about the forest and they told me about this place, the inside of the Great Deku Tree, the bean lamps and the sword pedestal, which was the centre of the forest. I asked about the Master Sword and they said they tried their best to keep it hidden and were glad that I finally found it. I asked about leaving the forest and they joked as to why I'd want to leave at all but knew I had to save Hyrule. They said to head east, climb the hill on the right side of the sign until I came to an ogre tree. I had to walk into the tree's mouth to get warped to the entrance of the woods. Interesting! Instead of warp pipes, it's warp trees :)

I was able to walk past Maca and stand on a spot to talk to the Great Deku Tree. That'll be handy.

I then took a notion to climb up the Great Deku Tree's face! Just because I could :) This was a lot of fun, this sense of freedom. I was able to climb up its face, amble along its big branches and reach the top of its head. This was really cool!

On top of The Great Deku Tree's head I met Walton who was dozing here. They had "the ultimate trial" and I said I'd take it on. They gave me some riddles. First was to bring something small, red, round, and sweet. This came up as "Riddles Of Hyrule" in side quests. I placed an apple on the leaf in front of them. Next was to bring Kakariko Village's specialty fruit with its rock-hard flesh. I placed a fortified pumpkin. Next was a warm mushroom and I placed a Sunshroom. Next was an electric fish so I placed a Voltfin Trout. Next was a rhyme "If stepped on by this, you will go poof! It starts with an H and ends with an oof!". I had no idea what this meant... I didn't want this climb to go to waste so I looked up the Hyrule Compendium. Could they have been talking about a Lynel Hoof? That's the only clue I had and I didn't have any of those so I decided to do this later.

I went back down to the ground and went inside the Great Deku Tree. There was like a cosy little business district in here and a lit cooking pot. A Goddess Statue was in here too! This'll be handy for upgrades :)

Pepp was having a nightmare about vegetarians! They had a bed made out of leaves and it was made especially for me, so I didn't have to pay to use it! Woo! :)

Natie had a store here, the Spore Store! They weren't giving anything away for free though.

Daz had a store here too, called the General Shoppe. Again, nothing was free. They had Cane Sugar, which I hadn't seen before now.

After this, I took a walk around Korok Forest and around the Great Deku Tree and its roots. There weren't any other Koroks here to chat with, just the cheeky ones peeking out at me from a distance. They're adorable :)

I decided to check out the forest shortcut. Sure enough, it was a tree with its mouth open. There was a nice little message carved out in stone from Maca here with a promise that the tree wouldn't eat me :) I tried it out and it was a handy warp alright. I can always warp back to Keo Ruug Shrine as well.

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