Tuesday 26 April 2022

192 zelda breath of the wild - the master sword sucks :(

Dear Readers,

I was so happy to finally get the Master Sword in this game. At last, I now had a weapon that wouldn't ever break! I had fun using it for a while, but then came the massive disappointment when I saw there was a catch...

The Master Sword has to be CHARGED. Like a freaking mobile phone. When it runs out of energy its attack power goes to zero and I can't use it AT ALL for like 8 minutes. Like stamina, it replenishes by itself.

This is a pretty big shock to me. The Master Sword has been a staple of Zelda since Link To The Past and once you had it, you had it forever. The only restriction was that it couldn't cast sword beams when you didn't have full hearts. That's still here at least, but it should be the only restriction, not have this stupid cooldown thing on top of it.

Why does it have to have cooldown? Why does every game have to have cooldown nowadays? I don't want cooldown! it's a stupid mechanic that's normally associated with free-to-play mobile phone games, not games like Zelda.

I mean, the Master Sword is obviously inspired by the likes of Excalibur. If King Arthur had to recharge his sword all the time, the story wouldn't be as enjoyable.

I went back to The Great Deku Tree and they explained the sword had its limits. They didn't sound like a mystical tree anymore — they sounded like a depressed store assistant who had to explain this a million times to other disappointed Master Sword customers. "They don't make Master Swords like they used to" the customers would then say, which makes them sound like old people :( Why would you make your customers feel old?

Looks like I'll have to keep relying on dumb brittle weapons when my Master Sword is "out of service". I guess this was the idea in the first place. It's so disappointing though. I was willing to follow the rules of this game until I could break the rules by obtaining the legendary old-school weapon. But then the legendary weapon gets nerfed to fit in with the rules of this game. This sucks:(

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