Tuesday 12 April 2022

46 xenoblade - finishing lots of sidequests in lake vilia

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I still had lots to do for sidequests in Tephra Cave, so we went back there, particularly around Vilia Lake. Last time I was there I had to run through while looking for him.

A soldier in Mag Mell Ruins had another sidequest for us. He wanted us to get rid of 2 Devoted Arachno, 4 Resolute Arachno and 3 Zealous Arachno, all near Vilia Lake. We accepted.

We cleared some quests at the Lake of Grief and continued towards Vilia Lake. The Devoted Arachno took a while to defeat, even though they were quite small.

We got so much treasure we got the Hoarding Treasure achievement for the 50th rare treasure chest we obtained.

The Resolute Arachno were around those egg sac things and attacked all in a big bunch. Got 'em all in the one fight.

The Zealous Arachno were the same story as the Devoted ones, small, yet take a while to defeat. We lured them one by one.

Shulk made a voiced dialogue joke about being "Right as Reyn" instead of rain and Reyn roared in laughter. That was pretty amusing.

We got to the lake and finished some more quests. We fought another big Brog and obtained the achievement It Hasn't Lost its Lustre for obtaining 10 super rare treasure chests.

We found something very interesting in the lake area, a Warehouse Door behind a waterfall. It was locked. This was very interesting indeed!

One of the soldiers wanted to thank us for the help, so he told us about a treasure he buried by the cave exit. That was nice of him. We got a Topple Guard II or whatever it was called.

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