Wednesday 20 April 2022

186 zelda breath of the wild - constellation counting at keo ruug shrine

Dear Readers,

I had a nice time hanging out with the Koroks. I decided to do the "Fateful Stars" trial at the local Keo Ruug Shrine.

This shrine had 10 bowls and 2 balls on the left side and the right side had this as well. Up ahead was a locked cage with the monk behind. There was a stone slab with an inscription that read "Look to the stars for guidance. The constellations are the key."

I looked around. There were some patterns on the wall that looked like constellations alright. Two on either side of the room, and a big constellation map on the far side of the shrine, above the monk. Next to the bowls were lamps arranged in a pattern going from groups of 1 to 5. I had to put on my thinking cap for this one...

I stared at all the constellations for some time. The ones near the bowls I could also see on the far wall. Sometimes there were more than one occurrence of them on the far wall. I thought maybe that's what the number of lamps meant. I made my decision this way:

Facing the monk:

     C1 C2 C3 C4
L1  0   0    1   0
L2  0   0    0   1
L3  0   1    0   0
L4  0   0    0   0
L5  1   0    0   0

where C = Constellation, L = Lamp, 0 = Empty Bowl, 1 = Bowl With Ball

To explain things with words:
  • Leftmost constellation had 5 occurrences on the map, so I placed a ball in the bowl that was in line with this constellation and the group of 5 lamps on the left side.
  • Middle left constellation had 3 occurrences on the map, so I placed a ball in the bowl that was in line with this constellation and the group of 3 lamps on the left side.
  • Middle right constellation had 1 occurrence on the map, so I placed a ball in the bowl that was in line with this constellation and the group of 1 lamp on the right side.
  • Rightmost constellation had 2 occurrences on the map, so I placed a ball in the bowl that was in line with this constellation and the group of 2 lamps on the right side.
It worked :) The way to the monk was now open!

When I got into the next room I saw a treasure chest behind a cage and another constellation map next to it. I had to rearrange the balls again to open it. I won't explain things with words this time, just bring up the table :)

     C1 C2 C3 C4
L1  0   0    0   1
L2  0   1    1   0
L3  0   0    0   0
L4  1   0    0   0
L5  0   0    0   0

This is again, while facing the monk. In the chest was a Knight's Claymore. I decided to leave it there for now and just collected the Spirit Orb from the monk for now.

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