Saturday 9 April 2022

43 xenoblade - arachno web trap!

Dear Readers,

We were surrounded by Arachnos but we fought them off easily. We got some good attacks in and even did a chain one that finished them off.

This wasn't the attack in my vision though... I apologised for not waking sooner and Reyn said not to worry, but I looked like I was having a nightmare. My eyes glowed and I had the vision again of Reyn being attacked by the giant Arachno. Then the voice echoed through my mind again about the True Monado, growing with the Monado and changing the future. What did it all mean? I debated with myself whether I should tell Reyn or not. He was all set to venture on.

We went on a bit and found the lost son's armour.

We went further again and found monster egg sacs, but they seemed to have Mechon parts as well? We got too close and I had the vision again. I called out to Reyn telling him to get back, but it was too late! Some weird webbing came down and clung to him before taking him away! I had to find him!

I got a tutorial about enemies that react to sound like the Arachno do.

I ran ahead and came across another big spring. Above this spring was a path where I saw Reyn being chased by Arachnos. I got a tutorial about climbable walls and pillars and went after them.

This place was called Vilia Lake and it had interesting variations of monsters, items and harvestable spots, but I had no time now. I ran towards the climbable wall and got up to the path, where I chased after Reyn and the Arachno pursuers.

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