Friday 15 April 2022

49 xenoblade - saving juju from triceratops thingies

Dear Readers,

Reyn and I arrived at whatever was causing all that smoke and it wasn't a campfire, it was a buggy. We wondered who abandoned it here? I reached out with my hand and got a vision...

I saw a boy being chased by those triceratops things! They weren't so harmless after all! I told Reyn and we set out to look for an area with water.

There was lots of water all around us with all the rivers, waterfalls and everything, but we still had to find where the boy was, so we just used the arrow to guide us, taking out some sidequest enemies along the way.

We found the boy and told him to get out of here while we dealt with the triceratops thingies, which were much bigger than the ones we dealt with earlier. They were easy enough to defeat though, thankfully.

After we rescued him, the boy took us back to his buggy. His name was Juju and he had a short circuit, leaving him stranded among monsters. I fixed his buggy for him and he was very grateful. He invited us back to his camp of Homs and gave us directions. We took him up on the offer.

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