Friday 1 April 2022

35 xenoblade - confronting the loan shark king squeeze

Dear Readers,

A flashback scene played from fourteen years ago. A group of people were trudging through a fierce blizzard. They came to a massive door of a weird structure and opened it up. A blue laser emerged from it.

Some time later, Dickson arrived at the structure by himself. He went inside and found the previous group of people all laying on the ground! He went deeper inside. There, at the end, was the Monado on top of some kind of powered pedestal. In front of it lay a boy who looked a lot like me. He picked the boy up.

Back to present day. Reyn and I were discussing our plan. We decided to go to Colony 6, outlining the various areas we had to go through to get there, including Tephra Cave and the ruins to get to the Bionis' Leg. I got a Killer Combo achievement, which meant we performed a chain attack with Dunban to deal a total of 3000 damage. Nice.

We now had access to gem crafting as well, so we headed back to town.

It was night time and people had different stuff to say. We're gonig to be here a long while yet.

I spoke to Leopold, who was very deep in money trouble. Then this big flashback happened which showed his meeting with a loan shark named King Squeeze. Yikes. He threatened to seize his belongings! I accepted the quest to help out. That flashback must be because I was now wielding the Monado?

I spoke to the Nopon who thought it was too loud during the day, but now it was quiet all the time, and the quiet of the night he found to be lonely. Aw...

Désirée said she missed Betty since she got married. I'll have a chat with her later. She also wished her dad was still here. Aw...

Oleksiy was getting restless and said he had a frontier spirit. It seems living here was getting him down.

I caught up with King Squeeze! He was chatting on the side platform with the old man. He said he was a reasonable moneylender and it was Leopold's fault for splashing out on his girlfriend. Just then a flash appeared and showed a scene where the girlfriend Sylviane and King Squeeze were in cahoots! Nooooo! She was taking orders from him! He wanted her to get Leopold into so much debt he'd lose his house! King Squeeze said he wanted to get out of the game and take Leopold's house!

A new quest came up with a decision to talk to either Sylviane or to Leopold! Whoa! That's interesting!

I decided to talk to Sylviane and she admitted everything, saying she didn't want to work for him anymore. She said if I wanted to confront King Squeeze I could find his Top-Secret Orders she chucked away off the Central Plaza. Good idea. She was confident because she believed in Leopold's love for her. I believe it too. I think I did the right thing.

I jumped off the platform in the residential district where people were observing some weird shiny thing in the water. It was weirder than the usual items and it was moving around. They loved it so much they didn't want the mystery of it to be revealed. They felt it was making them feel happy or healed. I'm interested in it but I'll hold off for now.

I jumped into the water from here and swam around the central plaza until I found the Top Secret Orders.

I had to adjust the time, but I got back to King Squeeze and confronted him. He admitted everything, promised he'd tell Sylviane to stop carrying out her orders and that he'd stop harassing Leopold. He insisted that he was a nice guy and that Leopold should have better sense. He then asked me to keep this to myself in return.

Bleh. At least the worst hasn't happened and Leopold is under less pressure. I still think King Squeeze is a horrible person though.

I got the Shaping History achievement, which said I changed someone's life through my actions. King Squeeze said Sylviane can continue living her happy life and he himself could go on without vicious rumours if I kept it quiet. Hrm... I'm not thrilled with this but that's the saga.

I then learned that Sylviane is cousins with Francoise and she considers her tight-fisted and not at all extravagant like her. Leopold then said being poor was a blessing as it helped with his writing, giving it a gritty feel. I don't know if that's such a great thing...

He acknowledged Arnaut's appreciation for him though, which is really nice.

I chatted with Francoise and she was sad because her flowers got flattened in the attack. I agreed to help her collect 5 Dawn Hydrangeas to cheer her up.

More mingling next time...

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