Wednesday 6 April 2022

40 xenoblade - chatting with defence force soldiers in the mag mell ruins

Dear Readers,

We went to Tephra Cave at night. I wanted to do that matchmaking sidequest involving Monica.

The defence force said some soldiers were inside. I got the achievement "Some Help You Are!" for winning a battle without actually doing anything. Reyn beat a bug all by himself haha.

We met a defence force soldier who had a quest for us. He said another soldier was sent to the Cylinder Hangar and hadn't been heard from since. He wanted us to see if he was okay. We accepted. He had another quest about collecting Arachno Silk. He said he just had his sixth kid and needed the money. I said that must be one noisy household! He said it was but it was worth it. We agreed to collect 3 pieces of Arachno Silk from Worker Arachno in the cave.

They opened the door that was locked before when we passed by here. They told us this led the way out and towards Colony 6. Part of what we needed to do was to go there and warn them about the Mechon.

For now we went to the Cylinder Hangar and found the missing soldier. He was grand so that quest was a success. He had a quest of his own though. He lost a pendant his girlfriend gave to him for luck when he joined the force. He remembered he was near Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave when rocks started falling. He rushed out and reckoned he must've dropped it near the blocked path. He asked us to find this lost pendant and we accepted.

We went through the newly opened door to the Escape Pod Bay and met more soldiers, one of whom had another quest for us. She wanted us to collect 2 Kneecap Rocks in the cave. We had them so that was done right away. She also wanted 2 Bright Figs, saying they were for some poor kids and definitely not her! Haha. Anyway we had them too so we gave them to her. She also wanted 3 Broken Pincers from the Krabbles in the cave to repair the anti-air batteries. We didn't have these at the moment. Then she wanted 1 lot of Brog Smelling Salts from a Noble Brog in the cave. We didn't have those either.

She told us the regular route was blocked by rubble so they had to use another route until they could clear it.

The other soldier in this room didn't have any quests for us but warned us about the Arachno nest up ahead and told us to walk quietly to avoid a fight.

There was a lot more than I was expecting so that matchmaking quest will have to wait a while.

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