Monday 10 September 2018

10 night in the woods - reunion with gregg!

Dear Readers,

I went in to the Snack Falcon to see Gregg, who I haven't seen in a long time! Straight away we connected like old buddies :)

The "Too bad this bad thing didn't happen to you" exchange between us is just precious and adorable. I love it so much! "Too bad you didn't die at college", "catch a flesh eating disease" etc... He got all excited and started waving his arms around when he saw me. :)

He went off to change the music. It was a bouncy strum with a beat, which sounded like it was coming over the PA. He changed it to something even groovier that makes you wanna bob your head and tap your toe in an even happier way. He came around the counter and flailed his arms around again in excitement. He asked for all the details of how I got home and just found it so amazing that I was back home again! He told me to come to band practice, which he wanted to do immediately and finish work immediately too. He ran out the door screaming in excitement!

I like Gregg a lot :) he's a fun pleasant character. A bit wild but great fun all the same!

I like the convenience store abundance here too. There are signs saying "Snack To School", Fiasco, the electronic LED marquee with Megazillion Powerprime lottery; also the food on display - some kind of Dorito derivative called Karl's Crunchester, available in "Original" and "Angry Pepper" flavours. I'm not the biggest Dorito fan but these look pretty good. Love the "extreme" marketing of "ANGRY PEPPER" flavour too lol :)

I drew a massive doodle of Gregg holding a knife in my notebook with a dramatic flash around him and wrote in big writing: "GREGG RULZ OK". I followed him to band practice.

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