Wednesday 19 September 2018

19 night in the woods - first IM conversations with buddies and my own memories of IM

Dear Readers,

Thanks to Angus, my laptop was now all fixed! Woo! I sat down for a comfy evening, chatting with my buddies online, the gentle hum of the laptop's fan also keeping me company.

The desktop was so clean now! Sparkling clean with a few icons. The DONUT WOLF with FANTASTIC YUMS was a pretty nice background image.

Angus sent me an instant message asking how I got on with the fix and I thanked him. He said he also put the Demontower game on here, a very nostalgic game we played 10 years ago. He told me about the continuing updates and that I could use my old save file from their server. Cool stuff! He's been playing too and said I should check it out so we could "talk Demontower" sometime. I love this :) I love this so much. Love talking games with buddies. I thanked him again and he sent a little *tips hat* greeting. Awesome Angus :)

Gregg then jumped in with a blunt instant message asking if I got the huge amount of porn off my laptop, hearing that I broke it with sooooo much porn. I told him "Dude you know it". He went on to tell me that Rick Rekkage told him that before the internet they used to hide porn in a hollow log in the woods. He imagined that it would be awkward if you hiked there and some dude was already there and ye're like "sup dude I guess we're both here for the porn". We imagined them becoming friends or "pornlogbros4ever".

Gregg then asked if I was going to the party tomorrow night up in the state forest as lots of people were home from school and stuff for the weekend. I like the way he spelled "snakcs" :) I said "Did you mean to write snacks or snakes" and he said "both dude, both". He asked me would I pleeeeeeeeeease???? ask Bea if she could drive us to the party. I wasn't sure if Bea liked me but he kinda pressed it so I said I would. He let out a big "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!", <- even longer than that!

I had a little pizza slice cursor. I clicked around on my buddies' IM icons. One of them had an away message that looked like lots of song titles they were listening to. I'm not 100% sure but I reckon this is Casey's icon.

This is so freaking cosy :) it also brings back memories of real life IM clients. Gosh I miss those days of using Windows/MSN Messenger... This was right before sites like "Bebo" and "Facebook" came along with "friends of friends" lists and photo albums that I always found terrifying and never really adjusted to. Everyone I knew migrated away from the IM clients as years went on and lives branched away. Then those clients went out of service. It's a sad feeling. This was in the late 2000s. I'm convinced this game takes place around then because I remember having life changes like Mae is having now.

I love the guffawing Sharkle animated desktop buddy :) very much a Windows XP thing. More memories...

The purple turnip thing at the top right showed news headlines. This one was about the secretary of education dumping on the very notion of public schools, comparing them to having public hamburgers and that everyone should buy their own hamburgers. Bleh! Politics was dumb and ugly back then too.

While I was messing around on the laptop, someone I'm Switch friends with in real life came online and the little notification came up. Computer within a computer! :)

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