Monday 24 September 2018

24 night in the woods - recruiting the navy guy for my shark club and gregg's party excitement

Dear Readers,

Outside the Social Security Administration office was a recruiter for the navy. I didn't know who it was until I saw the sign. His name was Wags.

He asked me if I had an interest in a navy career and I said something about there being boats. He said there was a lot more to it than that but yeah there are boats. I said "I'm uh probably not joining the navy". He said it might be good if I was looking for direction. I retorted that I had plenty of direction, that I was gonna hang out with my friends, play video games, play bass, then sleep. He remained chipper, saying I had it all planned out.

I asked him if he was from around here and he said he was from nearby. I asked him why he was here instead of on a battleship and if he had been places and if he'd seen big sharks and that he should pitch seeing sharks when recruiting. He was all like "noted." I went on and on more about shark suggestions and he said he'd send it up the chain before not being available to talk anymore.

The guys in front of Miller's were singing about the Smelters again, which sounded like it was set to "Bad Boys" by Inner Circle.

I went into the Snack Falcon to see Gregg. He was all excited about the party and still excited about me being home :) waving his arms around until they got tired. Yay!

I also went underground and met the teens again. I was like "Hey kids!" and they were like "Hey adult." They still weren't impressed with me at all.

Now to go see Bea about a lift to the party!

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