Friday 21 September 2018

21 night in the woods - the morning before the party

Dear Readers,

Straight after waking up I got on the computer. Typical thing to do I know! There was a message from Gregg.

He said that Bea works at "Ol' Pickax" so I could grab some tools while I'm there, like a big axe for "a rampage lol".

On the purple turnip was a back to school tip, to cover textbooks in tinfoil. Didn't explain why, just said to do it. I gave Sharkle a "Hi" click before switching off.

I left my room and looked at my family portrait again. I was home where everybody knew my mom and dad's names and about the time I put that kid in the hospital. Yikes! All these hints to the big bad thing I did years ago.

Crawl space was still blocked.

I greeted the bird chirpily.

I went downstairs for my kitchen chat with mom. She asked me what I was up to today. I said I might go to a party with Gregg, Angus and Bea. She said I was already the social butterfly after just two days! I said "I'm a little nervous." She said I'll be fine and encouraged me to get out there and mingle. It was going to be old high school people, so Cole came up in conversation. I was all like "no" when she said she always thought we looked so cute together. Agh... old heartthrobs... Before saying bye we had our "eeeeeeeels" exchange :) moms!

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